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They are now in their class but the teacher is yet to arrive. Jin took his seat and waited. He glanced beside him and he saw Nayeon with her earphone and looking through the phone.

"Hey Daeil guy," someone called out. He looked up.

"You really decided to have a seat beside that spoiled soup saliva huh? Bad choice. Look, you can have a seat with me than--"

"Shut up Bae Joohyun. You again just want that new individual creature to have his hands on your body like--"

"What did you just say, Kim Dahyun?" Joohyun gets annoyed with what the younger girl just said.

Jin only has an unreadable expression on his face, he peeked the person beside him and she looked unbothered with what's happening as she is on her earphone.

I can't believe her. He thought. They are talking about her yet she remained calm or is it just because she can't hear anything?

"What? Am I not right? Whenever there's a new student here especially that he's good-looking, you will do everything on all your means to get him." Dahyun announced.

Jin was surprised by what Dahyun said.

"Hey, you guys should stop. There's nothing wrong sitting beside her. It is my choice and it is something that all of you should not care about." Jin expressed.

They all fixed their seats with what Jin said because the whole class were looking at him when he talked. Joohyun just glared at Dahyun.

On the other hand, Nayeon heard all of it, the music she's listening to is not that loud. She just acted like she didn't. She heard what the new student beside her has said.

"Teacher Jihyo is coming!" Hyunjin, one of their classmate, exclaimed.

They all kept quiet while Nayeon fixed her things, she removed her earphone and she put down her phone on her desk as she starts to search for her notes in her bag.

"One Direction, huh?" Jin spoke.

Nayeon confusedly looks at him.

"Oh, your home screen wallpaper. It's One Direction, right?" He said while pointing his finger to the phone in her desk.

Nayeon looked at what he's referring to and she immediately turned off her phone and put in in her bag.

"Good morning!" Teacher Jihyo arrived.

"Good morning Teacher." The class replied.

"How are y'all doing? Was your vacation okay?" Teacher Jihyo said while scanning the class attendance.

"Ye!" The class again replied.

"So, a new student is here." She looked up and look for that new student she's pertaining to. She spotted Jin.

"It must be you since I never saw you here before. Care to introduce yourself to me? I am sure you already acquainted yourself in the class this morning." Teacher Jihyo said.

"Right. Annyeong Teacher Jihyo! I am Kim Seokjin, from Daeil. Nice to meet you, teacher, you're so pretty." Jin introduced himself.

The whole class looked at him with his last sentence.

Teacher Jihyo just chuckled.

"Okay. Thanks, but I have a boyfriend Mr. Kim, and teachers are not allowed to date students here." T. Jihyo said.

"That's a pure compliment teacher, I didn't mean to sound like, "Teacher you're so pretty, can you be my girlfriend?" Jin clarified.

Teacher Jihyo and the class laughed. Except for him and that girl beside her.

"You pretty sure talk a lot. But I was just saying it though." The teacher said.

Teacher Jihyo is the teacher who can joke around students but when it comes to lectures, she is stringent and very serious.

"So, shall we start the lecture?" She said and she started to introduce their lesson.

After 45 minutes lecture,

"Are you catching up with the lesson?" Teacher Jihyo asked.

"Yes, Teacher!"

"Let's see it then. Work by pair and I'll give you a topic to research on and report in class. I think it would be easy if you work with your seatmate, to those who don't have one, you find others who don't have. You all have a pair since the class number is even." T. Jihyo said.

"Yah! I am left again." Chaeyoung complained.

"The only ones who don't have a seatmate are Momo, Mina, and Joohyun. You choose. Haha," Dahyun said, she is paired with Tzuyu since they are seatmates.

"There is no way I'm pairing with that Joohyun." Chaeyoung firmly said. "Hey Myoui Mina, work with me!" She shouted and start to walk in Mina's seat.

"Hey, Daeil guy! Come and work with me, let that spoiled soup saliva work with dumb Momo so she can teach her." Joohyun ordered.

Nayeon let out a sigh and started to get up from her seat to walk in Momo's seat but Jin stopped her. He held her wrist.

"Wait!" He said and stopped her, the girl looks at him in disbelief.

Jin faced Joohyun without letting go of Nayeon's wrist.

"Work with seatmate right? If you don't have one, you go find yours. I'm working with this spoiled soup saliva." He asserted.

"Wow, I can't believe this!" She exclaimed.

"Yah! I know I am dumb but as if I also want to work with you. Pabo!" Momo called out. Joohyun just glared at her.

Nayeon sat back. Jin looks at her and he saw her staring at his hand still holding her wrist. He immediately let go.

"Oh sorry!" He said.

"Come and pick your topic here!" T. Jihyo announced.

"I'll go get ours." Jin volunteered. He stood up and went in front. He already has one, he turned his back but he didn't see Nayeon in their seat, he looked around and he saw her going out of the room.

"Huh? Wait!" Jin followed her until he catch up.

"Where are you going?" He asked while walking.

"Library." She shortly replied.

"What? No, we can just search it in the internet. Look, I have a data and it's so fast in here." He stopped and pulled out his phone from his pocket, but the girl walked continuously.

"Wait, yah!" He called. "Look, library is not my thing. That's giving me headache."

Nayeon didn't respond. Jin followed her still,

"Hey, I know you want a moment with me but--"

Nayeon suddenly faced him and they stopped.

"Tell me the topic." She ordered.

"Algebra - negative indices." He answered.

"If you want to use the internet, go ahead. I'll get books in the library." She said and started to walk away.

"Wait, did you just talk to me that long?" He said in disbelief. With that, he followed her wanting more conversation with the girl.


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