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Kim's family dinner went very well. It was the first time their dinner went normal. The parents were very happy that everything was settled between each of them before Jin will finally leave their home to be with his real family.

Jin is currently in Junmyeon's room and they're playing online games as their first bond together.

"By the way, have you ever told your girlfriend about your study abroad after high school?" Junmyeon asked.

Jin felt the world stopped.

"Uhh, no. " Jin answered.

"Why? You should tell her."

"I'm scared. She might break up with me, we just officially started our relationship for real and I don't want us to fight."

"Then when will you?"

"I don't know, or maybe I just won't tell her."

"Dude what? You will hurt her if you won't."

"If she knows I will leave her, she might really end us up soon. I know her, she'll probably be like, 'what's the purpose of having this relationship if you will leave me anyway'. You know, she has that attitude of being advance sometimes."

"You know what, it's the same with Irene. I mean, she's not my girlfriend but she knows I like her. She also knows that I'll leave her because I'll graduate first but she doesn't also know that I'll leave for London after graduation, but at least she knows I'll leave her. The point is, you should still have to tell Nayeon. You have to think of the consequences, Jin."

"Consequences like?"

"Like she'll hate you forever. Leaving her without her knowing? Bro, that will surely hurt the hell out of her."

"But really, I'm scared of her reaction."

"You shouldn't, if she loves you she'll understand. You won't permanently leave anyways, plus, there is a lot of ways for communication."

"You have a point. Thanks, bro. But I'll try."

"Don't try, do it."

--- 🐵

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