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They are all now in front of the house getting ready to go home, Nayeon is sending them off.

"I can't believe you have that side of attitude, unnie. We saw you fight a while ago before your brother Namjoon showed up. What's wrong with Rosé?" Chaeyoung chuckled.

"She doesn't look nice but she is." - Tzuyu

"Yeah right, I have been nice to everyone ever since we started watching the show and then all of a sudden I feel like you're mad at me just be--"

"Who doesn't?! I mean, you came here and you were like, accused me of stealing Jin from you? And that it was my fault that you don't have a love life?" Nayeon said to her annoyed.

"Ohhh, so that was your issue? I thought we already moved on from that. Plus, what I said was a joke! Well, then I'm sorry if I offended you with that." Rosé defended.

"Unnie, yeah. You're just jealous," Dahyun stated.

"How is that being jealous?!"

"Or did you fought with Jin? Because we don't really understand what's with the yell and with the attitude, unnie." - Chaeyoung

Nayeon realizes what Chaeyoung has said.

"Just go home every one of you. I'm sleepy."

Even with so much confusion on their faces, the four started to get inside Dahyun's car.

"Is she really like that?" Rosé asked whispering to Dahyun.


"Then why-"

"We don't know either. Just go inside the car now," Tzuyu straightly stated.


Nayeon is already at her bed, wide awake. She recalled what happened earlier and felt sorry.

No, she didn't fight with Jin.

Thinking about Jin, the guy never really messaged her that somehow made her upset. She sent him messages but she didn't receive any replies.

Well, maybe that's the reason why she was kind of mad at everything. It was the first time she never felt his presence since they made their relationship official.

"Not even a "hi" or something?" She said staring at her phone. After a while, she turned off her phone and placed it beside her bed.

"Am I really mad?" She asked herself. "Or I just miss him?"

Girl, it was just 2 days, and missed him already? Her thought asked her.

"What's wrong with that though?" She debated herself that made her eventually fall asleep.

--- 🐵

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