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"Look! They're really dating!"

"Oh, I never expected they'll be looking good together,"

"Daeil guy is really dating that spoiled soup saliva,"

"Can't believe that Nayeon is that Daeil guy's type, is he blind? Joohyun is way more beautiful!"

"Yah! But Nayeon is way more beautiful inside, I remember when she helped me with my math before," another student said.

Jin and Nayeon look unbothered with the students' mutters when they entered the school.

They finally reached their room,

"The couple's here y'all!" Hyunjin yelled then they all looked at them.

"You don't have to shout Hwang," Joohyun said.

"Ahhh, someone's jealous," Beomgyu teased Joohyun but the girl just glared at him.

Jin and Nayeon just went to their seats.

"This is the first time you didn't get the guy you want Joohyun-ah, I wonder what will you do to Nayeon," Bambam from the back talked.

Jin looked up with what he heard, the same with Dahyun.

"Hey, Joohyun! What are you planning huh?" Dahyun fired.

"Eh? So what if they're dating? Daeil guy's really not my type so you guys shut up,"

"Oh really? What happened to your "hey daeil guy, take me out on a date" thing?" Hyunjin said recalling their conversation that circulated the school then laughed.

Joohyun rolled her eyes. She's actually not planning something about Nayeon. Jin was right, there's a lesson she needs to figure out. The more she'll do something about the girl, the more she'll be getting attention but in a bad way, especially that she noticed most of the students favor Nayeon more than her. So, there's no point being that bitchy student anymore, she admits she is already tired of maintaining her image.

"Good morning!" Teacher Jinyoung arrived.

"Good morning, sir!" The class greeted.

And the class went on.


Joohyun is silently eating alone in the cafeteria when Jin out of nowhere sat in front of her and looks at her,

"Hey, if you're planning something bad to Nayeon you better stop or I'll--"

"I am not! Okay?" She cut him off.

Jin nodded, "okay, good. Thanks," he said then stood up, he is about to leave but he stopped,

"Junmyeon hyung?" Jin muttered.

Joohyun looked at who Jin mentioned, she saw a man looking around for something but stopped when he spotted Jin, he walks closer.

"Oh, there you are my freaking little brother! They're right, they saw you coming here so... how are you?" Junmyeon smirked.

"What are you doing here?" Jin asked his brother, he started to clench his jaw.

"What? Is it wrong to visit my brother?" Junmyeon said smirking, then he saw Joohyun who is watching them just right behind Jin. He stares at her until he widened his eyes,

"Irene?" He said still looking at her, the girl is surprised with what the newly arrived person called her.

Jin is confused with his brother, he turns back looking at Joohyun then back to his brother,

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