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Jin is already breathless before reaching the rooftop. He is near when he can hear One Direction's Little White Lies playing, that made him sure that Nayeon is really there.

He entered and he saw Nayeon's back.

"Eating lunch here?" He began.

"Oh what the--" the girl startled. "Yah, what are you doing here?" She asked.

Jin looked at the table. "You are eating lunch here... in a lunchbox?"

Nayeon volumed down the speaker,

"Were you here yesterday too? I think I didn't saw you in the canteen." He said.

She nodded.

"You made the canteen useless." He said, "are they making fun of you there?" He asked.

"You keep on asking." She responded.

"I'm just wondering. This school has a canteen, I think I also saw a cafeteria nearby. I can't believe a person still brings packed lunch. I mean, there's nothing wrong though."

"It's not that I can't afford the food there. I want to save money for college. Plus, my brother is a good cook, I like everything he cooks." She answered.

"Oh, you have a brother."

"I have a big brother and a younger brother. Our young brother is actually studying here too."

"Then where is he? He should be eating with you here, maybe he is eating with his lunchbox too right?" He asked.

"Right, but now he didn't get his lunch because he said girls in their room are giving him food. They're crushing on my brother. He is in first year."

"Oh woah, your brother might be that handsome... as me." He confidently said.

"Tss, yes he is handsome but not the same as you. He's very bubbly, that's the reason why I don't want everyone to know he is my brother. They might be comparing him to me like, "oh, her brother is so out-going and he smiles a lot," and here I am, never talk to anyone and alone, hard to approach." She said it with all honesty.

"Really? About that comparing thing, kinda same" He replied.


"The reason why I moved here is that I have a brother back in Daeil, we never get along. He is very smart, he got all the good and high grades. Our father compares us a lot, it made me feel discouraged so I end up looking like a son who lacks attention, I fight with other students, I skip classes and other things a typical stupid person do." He admitted.

"What? But you seemed nice even if you are so full of yourself." She honestly said.

"I did all of those to annoy him but I'm not really that kind of person."

"What do you mean to annoy him?"

"They all know we're brothers. Every time I make a scene they all go to him and be like, "You are a very smart person, why can't you discipline your brother?, You should know better, you are the big brother but you can't take good care of your younger brother." With all of those, it annoys him."

"But why do you have to annoy him in the first place?" She is still confused.

"Even when we're still young, we really don't get along well. He does a thing that makes me upset." Jin said.

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