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"I never knew Ariana Grande can act," Dahyun commented.

They were all in the living room watching an old TV show, Victorious.

"I never knew she talks like that," Chaeyoung commented too.

"Nahhhh, she doesn't talk like that in real life. It was just acting, obviously." Rosé corrected.

"She looks like she really does though." - Tzuyu

"Then it only means she was an effective actress." Rosé again defended.

"Her laugh is so funny." Dahyun chuckled.

Nayeon is just silently watching. Her mind is occupied by a certain person, Jin didn't text her or anything this day.

"Hey, is that Netflix?" Eunwoo entered the living room.


"Noona, we have Netflix?!"

"No, we don't." Nayeon pointed out the laptop that is connected to their TV.

"Oh, okay," Eunwoo said disappointed.

"You look disappointed the same as how Dahyun is also disappointed that you didn't notice her," Chaeyoung said teasingly.

Eunwoo looked around realizing that there are other four girls in the living room.

The "Oh! Hi to all of you, didn't notice everyone." He greeted. "Hi, Dahyun. Glad to see you here."

Rosé paused the TV. Nayeon is surprised at how her brother greeted Dahyun, it was very unusual of him to greet her nicely.

"Okay, why don't we witness these two--"

"So you guys are really okay now? I mean, last time I remember you both wanted to kill each other." Nayeon

"Uhmm, yeah. Might as well really kill him right now!" Dahyun stood up and ran after Eunwoo who immediately walks out from the living.

"What was that?" Rosé asked.

"Don't mind them. Probably, lover's quarrel." Tzuyu said.

"Lover's qua-- they are dating?!!!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"Yeah, I mean, no," Tzuyu answered, she cleared her throat. "I don't know, I'm outta here gonna go get some water." She stood up and went away avoiding the question.

"Just so you know unnie, they were getting along well these past weeks and I don't know, they just don't admit that they like each other," Chaeyoung explained.

"Eunwoo never told me about that."

"Why would he?" - Rosé

"Why do you care?" Nayeon fired back.

"Woah, I think I'm gonna go get some water too. Let me out of here before anything happens." Chaeyoung walks out.

"Why is everyone getting thirsty?" - Rosé

"Well I'm not," - Nayeon

"Who cares?"

"You asked,"

"I asked why, not who doesn't,"

"If you forgot, you are in our house,"

"If you forgot, you are using my Netflix account,"

"Who cares about your Netflix?"

"Who cares about your house?"



The two stopped and looks at the Namjoon who has a confused face.

"What's happening here?"

"Nothing, oppa. Just practicing our line in our Acting class." Nayeon lied.

Namjoon sighed.

"You know that I could tell if you are lying to me, right?" Namjoon told her. "You are lying to me, and who is she?"

"Hey, you must be Nayeon's brother."

"Yeah I am, and you are?"

"Rosé. Jin's ex-girlfriend."

Nayeon's shocked by what she heard. "You don't have to introduce yourself like that!"

"Why not?"

"Hey, stop. It's getting late, whatever you're watching right now better watch it next time." Namjoon calmly said. "I'm tired today, I don't have the energy to know what's going on between you too. Just let them go home now, Nayeon." He said then he went away.

Without them knowing, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are at the other side listening to their previous conversation, giggling.


Meanwhile in the front yard,

"Yah, why are you mad at me that I had lunch with Nancy last Friday?" Eunwoo said.

"I am not mad about that. You were not replying to my messages, do you know how annoying that is?" Dahyun said annoyed.

Eunwoo sighed in disbelief. "I don't have to! I mean, what are we even? I don't need to reply as if I am required to do so."

Dahyun's expression turned into annoyance and sadness.

"I can't believe I invited everyone to hang out here just to see you because yeah, what are we anyway?" She rolled her eyes.

"I was asking you that question,"

"How about you answer that? What am I to you?" Dahyun straightly looks at his eyes.

"Uhhm, noona's friend?"

"Really now? Okay, tss." Dahyun started to walk out.

"Wait!" He held Dahyun's wrist to stop her.


"Okay I get it," Eunwoo makes the girl face him.

"You get what?"

"You were just jealous and that you like me,"

Dahyun coughed.

"I don't like y--" she stopped because Eunwoo gets his face very close to her. In just an inch, their lips will meet.

"Continue what you want to say and I'll also continue what I want to do," Eunwoo said and Dahyun felt his breath.

Dahyun stood silent not wanting the guy to do what he wants, she's not ready for that moment.

Realizing the silence, Eunwoo backs away and shyly rubs the back of his neck.

"I-It's getting late. Gotta call the others." Dahyun spoke, started her steps backward, and finally runs away.

---  🐵

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