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"Dong Wook and I are best friends back at college. We were brothers back then. We are complete opposite but we were each other's back. His family is rich and they have always been, and there's just me. My mom, who is giving all her best just to send me to school, already has a lot of debts. My dad already passed away before I met him so basically, it was just me and your grandmother who lives together surviving." Mr. So Hyun started.

Jungkook is just intently staring at his father anticipating the whole story. His mom, Mrs. Ji-hyun, is also just beside her husband telling the story to their son.

"And yeah, it was in college that I also met your mom. It's funny that I still have the guts to have a girlfriend when we were in a state of financial problem." Mr. So Hyun chuckled.

"Life went on. I was so grateful I finished college though the thought of my mom's debt was hunting us. I tried to find several jobs and I got in. All the money I received went to all your grandmom's debt. We were still together with your mom until I got her pregnant and was also the time your grandmother died. That was the start of the real struggle and hardship I had. Your mom's mother can't accept us so she drove her away." Mr. So Hyun started to feel sad remembering what happened.

"We c-can't..." He wasn't able to continue as it is still painful for him even after the years passed. Mrs. Ji-hyun caresses her husband's back.

Jungkook felt the emotions engulfing the atmosphere and he also can't help to get sad. He can't utter any words and he wants to know more.

"We c-can't raise the baby, Kookie. We can't r-raise your brother. We were running out of money after we paid the bills of your mom's labor and stay in the hospital."

"The only choice is to approach my best friend, Dong Wook. I ask him to take care of your brother first and if we already have stable money, we can take your brother back but I realized it would be embarrassing to do so. Dong Wook and his wife already had a son when we gave them your brother, and I hope they are getting along well."

"Does he know what you've done to him? Does he know about you? About us?" Jungkook can't help to ask.

"I once had a conversation with their housekeeper when I went there and accordingly, he knows he isn't part of the family but he never mentioned getting to know about us. That's when I can say maybe he's mad."

"I want to be with him, abeoji. I want to know him. I've always wanted to have a brother." Jungkook said with pleading eyes.

"That's why we will go see him at Daegu after assuring he wants to see us. I'm going to ask his school." His father answered.

"No, abeoji! It's not that we're going to see him and that's it. I want to know him, I want him to be part of our family."

"Kookie, we just can't do that. He will always be part of the family when it comes to flesh and blood but wanting to stay with us is impossible." Mrs. Ji-hyun asserted.

"His family now won't agree. They have the right to have your brother because they are the ones raising him."

"If he can't be with us, then let me be with him. They said he is studying at JN, let me study there, abeoji." Jungkook requested.

"What?! Jungkook-ah," Mr. Soo Hyun didn't expect his son's statement. "Daegu is so far from here."

"Let me stay in an apartment too, or if they have a dormitory then I will go. Come on, abeoji! Let me study in one school with Seokjin hyung." Jungkook still pleaded.

Their hearts melt when their son stated 'Seokjin hyung'

"Please, eomma?" Jk turned his face to his mom. He knows his mom can't say no to him.

"We can afford it, right? I also saved a lot of money from helping abeoji in the shop so I might as well use it to study at JN. If it's not enough then I will find a part-time at Daegu. Just let me study there with hyung, please."

"Kookie, we are still not sure if your brother will accept us. We are not even sure if he wants to see us." Mr. Soo Hyun discouraged.

"No person can be forever mad at his family, abeoji. If he's mad and holding a grudge at us then I will apologize if that's what he wants. Let's just trust the process, abeoji." Jungkook stated full of encouragement.

The two sighed. They can really say no to their son because they also can't deny how smart and reasonable he is.

"Midterms. We will enroll you after midterms so the processing will be easy." Mr. Soo Hyun finally agreed.

"Yes! Thank you, abeoji!" Jungkook exclaimed with glee.

"Your abeoji only?"

"Well, of course, you too eomma!" He hugs his parents.

The parents realized that maybe it's already the time to let their two sons cross paths.

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