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Eunwoo woke up and went out of the room still half-asleep until he stopped.

"What am I seeing?" He said and rubbing his eyes.

"Huh?" A sound from the other side is heard.

Eunwoo looks at the person and he saw Dahyun blinking her eyes multiple times at what she saw, then they looked at each other.

They both threw an annoying look at each other then looks back to the first thing they saw, shocked.

"Why do I feel thirsty early in the mor--" Chaeng going out of the room wasn't able to continue her words as Dahyun covers her mouth.

Tzuyu followed but she also stopped, and widen her eyes.


"Ssshh!" Eunwoo shushed her, then he immediately grabbed his phone and took a picture of Jin and Nayeon sleeping at each other's shoulder on the couch. Nayeon's one hand is wrapping the guy's tummy. She's hugging him!

"Ah, right. Let's take a picture too," Dahyun whispered, they also took a picture of them.

"I'm sorry but why are they so cute?" Chaeng giggled.

"Why don't we let them date?" Dahyun suggested while smirking.

"Pabo, our brother won't let her date yet." Eunwoo contradicted.

"Then how about you both date so you stop arguing and start loving each other?" Tzuyu suggested as she sensed that they will again argue.

"No way!" They both shouted that made Jin and Nayeon open their eyes.

They all froze and stares at them, watching their next move.

"Huh?" Nayeon said, she immediately distances herself from Jin after realizing their position, Jin does the same.

And there was an awkward silence,

"Good morning!" Jin greeted breaking the silence, but no one still dared to talk.

"Ehem," Eunwoo started, "Hyung, I am done using your bed, you can go and continue your sleep and have a better one, you c-can take n-noona with you." He said.

"What? No, we're good, right?" Nayeon awkwardly asked Jin.

"Ha? Ah, yes yes we're good," Jin answered, "but we can consider Eunwoo's suggestion tho-- ahh!" Nayeon threw a couch pillow at him and immediately went to the comfort room.

They all just smiled at what happened.


"Can you stop?" Nayeon said annoyed.

"No, unnie. Look at you, being comfortable with each other." Dahyun letting her look at the picture they took while they were sleeping.

The maknaes are in a secluded area in Namjoon's restaurant one Sunday afternoon.

"Did you all came here just to show that and tease me? Oh please, give me a break."

"But what happened that night that you ended up sleeping with each other's shoulder?" - Chaeng

"I don't know," she tries to recall, "I fell asleep just after we watched that One Direction movie."

"Daeil guy should have at least woke you up and tell you to sleep in the room we were in," Tzuyu said.

"Yeah, but maybe he didn't mind because you hugged him and--"

"I told you I didn't hug him, yah!" She exclaimed.

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