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Nayeon is in the cafè outside the school and she was startled when she heard her name. She saw Chaeyoung coming with a worried expression.

"Nayeon-unnie, come! Jin and Junmyeon are fighting! You need to come!" She blurted.

"What? Aren't they on good terms?"

"Apparently, they had a misunderstanding again. Come on!" Chaeyoung said then ran away.

She stood up immediately then followed the small girl.


"Where are they, Chaeyoung-ah?!"

They arrived at the school and she already saw the commotion.

They went near and she saw Jin and Junmyeon fighting on the rooftop above. She is about to run when someone stopped her.

"Nayeonie! It's dangerous to go up there, they've been fighting for about 10 minutes already, I also called the security to stop them." Chanyeol informed.

"Then where are the security?! It has to stop now!" She yelled, even if she can't clearly see, she saw that a lot of blood is already dripping at Jin's face.

And in a second, the other student that is watching them gasped when they saw Jin falling from the rooftop.

"JIN!!!" Nayeon shouted and tears already formed in her eyes.

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