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"Hello, Jung Hoseok here. I have to apologize for everything the Social Media Club has done to some of you. Yes, I am the one running the club and I'll take any punishment you will give me. The club will be turned down now and again I am really sorry."

Jin sighed and turns off his phone. He already watched the video of Hoseok's statement a lot of times but he doesn't feel like uploading it to the school.


Jin failed to catch Hoseok when he was running after him, but the DSLR bag with the name Jung Hoseok says it all, so the other day, he confronted him. After their examination, he dragged Hoseok to the rooftop.

"It's obvious you own this," Jin said while showing the DSLR bag. "Tell me, why were you following me yesterday?"

Hoseok didn't answer, he just bowed his head not wanting to speak.

"Yah, Jung Hoseok!" Jin exclaimed. He's not mad, he just wants to know if he has something to do with SMC.

Hoseok is startled by Jin's exclamation, "Nothing, I j-just.."

"What do you mean 'nothing'? Yah, are you part of the SMC?"

The guy is again silenced.

"Come on! Tell me!"

"S-SMC," Hoseok stuttered.

"Yeah, I am asking about it, now who--"

"School Meal Club."

"School Meal who..what?"

"The maknaes, they are the SMC. SMC also stands for School Meal Club and they are also called School Meal Club." Hoseok revealed.

"What the hell?" Jin reacted.

"Daeil guy!" Someone from the entrance of the rooftop called.

"Speaking of."

"What's happeni-- uh oh." Chaeyoung stops her pace upon seeing Hoseok.

Jin turns around to see the newly arrived person. His expression screams disappointment.

"I, uh, came here to tell you that someone is looking for you in the director's office," Chaeyoung announced.

"Who cares? I'm more interested in what I just heard, Son Chaeyoung." Jin said.

Chaeyoung was surprised because Jin never called her by her full name.

"Tell me, School Meal Club. What's the story?" Jin asked calmly, he is full of curiosity.

Chaeyoung didn't answer. She already knows Jin will ask her about it the moment she saw Hoseok. She doesn't know how to start and she doesn't even know if she wants to tell it. She looks at Hoseok who is a bit tense with the situation.

"There's no escape already, just tell him just so we can also stop this."

Chaeyoung has no choice. She told Jin the story.

School Meal Club was formed in their first year. Ever since, Joohyun, has always been a bully. Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu has been the first victims of Joohyun's hand. With that, the three became friends, they always eat together and came up to call themselves a School Meal Club. The thought to avenge Joohyun, they formed Social Media Club or the SMC, secretly. They named it that way to have a similarity with their group name, but no one noticed it.

Social Media Club originally was just to exposed anything about Joohyun only as their revenge just so students in the school can gossip and talk about Joohyun. The time came that the three can't handle it because by doing that, they have to follow Joohyun everywhere just to gather information about her to talk about. They secretly recruit Hoseok, a smart student. Hoseok has all the gadgets, the guy agreed because he is being paid, not forgetting about how rich the three are. The maknaes entrusted the whole SMC to him. With that, the SMC became known to the school without anyone knowing who is running it.

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