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Nayeon is walking out of the school when her brother called out. She turned around and look at her brother widening her eyes.

"Yah, Eunwoo-ah!" She scolded. She looked around and some of the students looked at them confused.

"What? I am so tired pretending I don't know you." Eunwoo complained.

"Hey, Eunwoo! Is Spoiled Soup Saliva your noona?" A student from around asked.

"Yeah, so what?" He replied with an annoyed face. Some students muttered.

Nayeon dragged her brother to a place where they are alone.

"Hey, I told you not to let them know we are siblings--"

"Im Nayeon! We can't deny that we're siblings forever." Eunwoo said.

"Did you just call me by my full name?" She said firmly in disbelief.

"Mian, but please noona-yah. I don't wanna go around pretending I don't know you. I want to eat lunch with you on the rooftop, but I can't. I thought being handsome is fun not until every girl in the room wanted my attention too much already." He complained.

"Handsome boys' problems," Someone asserted.

"Huh?" Nayeon and Eunwoo said and they looked around.

"Kim Seokjin?" Nayeon muttered.

"I'm sorry I kinda heard your conversation," Jin apologized.

"Daeil guy right? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be listening to someone else's conversations. Are you part of SMC?" Eunwoo said still looking annoyed.

"What? Of course not. I'm sorry. Don't get mad, but you are actually just beside my car and I'm about to go home." Jin said.

"Your car?" Eunwoo looks at the car beside them, "This is your car?" He asked.

"Yeah? Is there something wrong?" Jin said and he opened the car with his car key.

"Oh, none. There's nothing wrong." Eunwoo replied looking embarrassed.

Jin laughed at him.

"But wait, is this really your car?" Eunwoo asked again

"Eunwoo-ah! What's wrong with you?" Nayeon confronted her brother.

"Noona! This is Toyota RAV4! This is one of my favorite cars to ever exist and this Daeil guy right here who listens to someone else's conversation owns it!" Eunwoo exclaimed and he looks around the car.

Jin again laughed.

"Hey, you are so embarrassing," Nayeon turned to Jin, "I'm sorry for my brother's behavior," she apologized.

"It's okay," he said, "Were you about to go home too? You can tag along and I'll drop you guys to wherever your house is." He offered.

"What? No! We are going to the bus station. Thank you for the offer." She opposed.

"Hey! Eunwoo? Do you want to ride this car?" Jin called out Eunwoo.

"What?" Eunwoo is surprised.

"Yah Daeil guy, don't--"

"Yes! I would love to! Is it okay with you?" The younger guy said excitedly.

"Well, too bad. Your noona right here doesn't want to." - Jin.

"Hey you kid, come on let's go to the bus station." Nayeon just said.

"You go alone, I'll be with this Daeil guy." Her brother contradicted.

"What? EUNWOO!" She yelled.

"Yeah right of course we're going to the bus station." Eunwoo got scared by his sister's shout. He walks past her looking annoyed and started to walk away.

"Hey Nayeon-ah, it's really okay for me. Look at him, he looks frustrated."

"He can't just do that, as if he knows you that long."

"Well at least for him he easily trusted me," he retorted.

"Please, I always wanted my brother to drive me home but he never did. Allow me to do it for someone, at least." He pleaded.

Nayeon went silent, she was touched.

"Okay," she finally agreed. Jin smiled and looks at Eunwoo who is already away.

"Let's go. Let's surprise him there." He offered, he opened his car's door for her.

"Thank you." She said shyly. Jin went to the driver's seat and started the engine.

Jin honked the car when they saw Eunwoo still sulking. The guy was startled by the sound and looked around, he saw Jin's car.

Jin opened the car window, "Hey Eunwoo, get in!" He said.

Eunwoo's face lightened. "Really?" He still looked shocked.

"Uhuh," Jin confirmed. Eunwoo gets in the passenger seat. He saw his sister in the front mirror. He looks at her annoyed.

Jin saw it and he chuckled. "Hey, don't get mad at your sister. Maybe it's her time of the month." He said and they laughed.

"What? Time of the-- Aishh." She threw an annoying look. "Yah Eunwoo-ah, this is the last time you do this to Daeil guy, arasso?"

"Ye noona, but only if this car won't show up again." Her brother replied.

Jin laughed, "so you mean you want me to walk miles to go to school?"

"You go buy another car, I know you can do that. Your father's a tycoon right?" Eunwoo blurted.

"Yah!" Nayeon scolded him.

Jin chuckled.

"Am I not right?" Eunwoo said.

"One more word Eunwoo and--"

Jin suddenly stopped the car. "Get out." He firmly said.

Eunwoo and Nayeon are surprised by Jin's mandate.


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