Desireable pt.5

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During the night, Dean had somehow turned to face his ex-bodyguard, intertwining their legs and holding him closer in a grip.

They had a startled awakening the next morning, only due to the figure standing at the end of the bed. Dean actually screamed, which echoed through the house embarrassingly, clawing Cas as they both moved back to the headboard with the sheets.

Cas looked sympathetically at the floor with his pants and pistol, rolling his eyes before looking back at the person.

"Right, finally! What do you want?" Dean sighed, pulling around Cas' waist and getting and side hug back.

" it's over, thanks guys" the man sarcastically said. Cas was confused at first then suddenly recognised the voice.

"Hang that..." Cas began.

Then the man took the rather matted looking black balaclava off, revealing the whiskey eyes and slightly messed up blonde-brown hair with a smirk.

"Bingo! Heyya, Cassie!" he threw his arms half-heartedly into the air.

"Gabriel? Why would you- I trusted you!" Cas was about to go fight his cousin but then remembered he was completely without dignity if he did.

"This is sooo not about me" he slipped one leg over the other in a drunk fashion the walked back and forth at the foot of the bed.

"Then what? Just let Dean go and have me instead-" Cas nervously asked.

Gabriel wiggled his eyebrows and snapped his fingers, both men on the bed holding their heads in slight pain.

But then it stopped and they both turned to look at each other.

"Cas?" Dean panted, scrambling away to the other side of the bed.

"Shit...Dean I am so sorry" he nearly fell of the bed in surprise. He remembered now.

Dean shouted back "You better be!" Then threw his shirt at him.

"Gabriel!" Castiel turned to Gabriel in resentment, picking his clothes up without leaving the sheets and began putting them on.

"I just took away your hunting memories... and replaced them with a feeew fake ones, to see if you'd fall in love in another reality"

"We are not in love! Take us back to the motel where you mojoed us or whatever" Dean cried out, looking frantically between both Angels.

Gabriel looked like he was considering it for a moment but then shook his head. "How about I send you and your moose back to 2015 Birmingham...after you say your feelings"

"What? No!"

Cas sighed, stopping putting clothes on and blushing, looking down at his feet. "Yeah...absolutely never going to say how much I am completely and hopelessly in love with you Dean." He daren't look Dean in the eye, he just gulped and wished the world would swallow him up. Dean had his mouth agape, trying to process the words and pulling his brow together.

Gabriel paused for a second, smiling at his word. "There we are! Now your turn"

"I-I. No this is ridiculous. I'm not..." Then he looked into the sad eyes of Castiel, his best friend, filled with tears. "Okay Cas. I can't say it"

"Shame for your brothers neck" Gabriel looked at his nails, raising his eyebrows.

"Alright! Do you know how hard it is to say to your best friend that you love them?" He let it slip.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Cas slowly turned to Dean and looked up with slightly teary eyes "Don't say it if you don't mean it, Dean. Please". They stared at each other but got interrupted by Gabriel's cough.

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