Destroy my Heart (D)

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A/N I made the pic on... Well, you can see, this chapter is basically feels...

Cas stumbled through the city with the dark blood gushing from his chest and seeping through his clothing. Breathing deeper with every step, feeling drowsy with fatigue and throat drying up was not how he expected this to feel like. His legs only just allowed him to get far enough as the motel he believed the Winchesters were at. Castiel clung to the wall of the motel rooms and eventually finding the room he needed.

He limply knocked on the door with his last piece for strength before collapsing in front of the room and feeling complete just reaching there. Closed eyes only allowed him to hear the brothers footsteps and their crys, pulling his limp body up and onto the bed.

"Cas? Cas, hey buddy! Cas! Open your eyes!" Dean shouted in his ear as his trench coat was ripped off of him, feeling the blood soaked clothing peel off his skin.

"Cas! What happened?!" Sam whispered, trying to get through to the angel.

To be honest, even Cas didn't quite recollect what happened. It was all such a blur, but he knew he needed to find his way back home to those two after. He fluttered his eyes open to see Dean holding around his head and running fingers through Cas' messy hair, resting the Angels upper body on his own.

"Cas? Please, say something!" he sobbed, not seeing Cas opening his eyes and fingers twitching at the warmth of the Winchester.

"D-Dean" Cas breathily began, having difficulty breathing. He looked down to see Sam trying to clean his wounds.

"Hey! Cas. Cas, what-what happened? Who did this to you?" Dean whispered turning Cas' face up a little so they could look into each other's eyes.

"I-I'm sorry" he weakly said.

"Shh...don't try to speak. We're gonna patch you up, okay angel? We're gonna fix you, you're gonna be all better. Good as new, alright?" Dean began rocking with the angel in his hands.

"N-No Dean. I can't be fixed" he began coughing up blood over himself, thick and strings of blood of his vessel.

"Don't-Don't say that. You're gonna be fine, you hear me!" He was determined, strength and struggle in his tone.

"Before...I...before I go-"

"You are not going anywhere- Sam? He's gonna be fine Sam, isn't he? Sam?!" Dean looked up to his frantic brother, nodding his head and scrunching his face.

"Dean-" Sam sympathetically shrugged but got cut off.

"Cas is gonna be fine!" He screamed. He thought he screamed but it was more of a whimper and last cry of help.

Cas tugged on Dean's jacket, getting his attention back "Dean...I wanted to tell you something"

"Save the last words, this isn't your final moment, angel"

"Dean..." he panted, trying to breathe even more"...Always happy to bleed for the Winchesters," he chuckled and then coughed a little more, "home is where the heart is...A-And my heart is with you." Dean buried his head in Cas' shoulders sobbing uncontrollably into it and soaking his shirt with many tears. He rocked and clasped Cas even more, feeling himself burn up inside. He drew back once Cas' heartbeat was no longer felt, no more breathing in his ear. They stared into each other's eyes for the last time and tears welled up in the blue of Cas'. "...And loving you was the most exquisite form of self destruction"

Dean blocked out Sam's voice, just watching Cas freeze and die in his arms, eyes chillingly still and body no longer tense.

"Cas?" he whispered. "Cas!? CAS!"

"Dean... he's gone" Sam placed a hand on Deans shoulder only for Dean to shove his touch away.

"Get the friggin Angels! Pray! Do whatever it takes! Sam!" More tears of desperation filled the rim of his eyelid.

Sam dropped his volume and tone, trying to get through to his brother "He's dead"

They both looked back to Cas' body as a bright white light filled out of the eyes and mouth, almost blinding the boys and eventually fading out. It left a lifeless form in Dean's arms.


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