Sweetest Dreams

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They'd been on the road for hours on end, just listening to either AC/DC or Taylor Swift. And it drove Cas and Sam insane before the hunt had even begun.

Cas sat in the middle back, leaning in but holding his head in his hands, hoping they'll get to the motel before this reaches a new level of annoying. Sams' attempts to get sleep ending with Dean blaring out:

"Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off"

Over. And. Over. And. Over.

Sam thought it was alright at first but this was borderline obsession over that album he regretted getting Dean (he passed it off saying he was buying it for his daughter).

"Dean" Cas grumbled as Dean switched the music to Asia.

"Yeah?" He checked the mirror to see Cas' rubbing his eyes.

"I think the turning is soon"

"I know where I'm going!"

"Instead of looking at me, the road would be preferable for our lives"

"Cas, I know what I'm doing" he said, taking the turning and pulling in. When he pulled up in a space he turned back to Cas and rest his hand on the seat "I told you I have everything under control"

Sam mumbled something as he almost fell out the car, holding tightly to the door before regaining more consciousness and stability.

After lazily getting their bags from the back, stumbling into reception, Dean was perked up even more but Cas and Sam trailed behind him like reluctant teens.

"Is there any rooms with three singles?" Dean asked.

"Erm...yesss" the receptionist replied, pulling her brow together and checking up on the computer. "You'll be on the corner room, 34. Here's you key sir" she handed on over then looked concerningly behind to see Cas and Sam practically falling onto each other in exhaustion and fatigue.

"Come on" Dean said to them, leading both through the doors down the corridor.

He opened it, waiting for both men to catch him up and go in first so the door wouldn't lock behind him.

"I have dibs on the window bed, by the way" Dean said as the walked in, slumping on 'his' bed.

Sam quickly panicked and seemed to have a burst of energy as he went for the one nearest the door "I've got this one". He looked like he'd defend that position to the death.

Cas settled for the middle, wondering why both brothers weren't going for it.

"Cas, why don't you freshen up a bit, get more energised? You look too sleepy" Dean said, kicking off his boots and flannel.

"Y-Yes. Good idea" he sleepily stumbled into the shower and locked up behind him.

"I'm going immediately to sleep, don't wake me unless absolutely necessary, Dean" Sam didn't even change, just straight under the covers and covering his head with the fluffy pillow.

Dean chuckled at his brother, hearing the shower turned on and sat back against the wall near the switch. He looked about the room and domesticated living they had right then.

After a few minutes Cas emerged from the room, towel draped around his hips and his clothes in one hand. He dumped them at the foot of the bed and began undoing the towel in front of Dean. The Winchester looked up from the health mag to Cas stripping right ahead, using the cloth to run through his hair to dry it off. Dean shuffled as he crossed his legs, looking up and down Cas' body and open eyes, not blinking. Just the sight was enough to make him begin to feel a strain on his briefs.

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