The Game we all Play

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A/N as I approach 100 chapters...this book comes to an end...but fear not as I shall write part 2 of this collection!

There was a sudden knock at the bunker door on that cold Saturday morning. Neither of the boys were expecting it, but it happened.

The brothers exchanged looks of 'you go get it' until Dean gave up as the knocking intensified. Sulking, he threw his newspaper on the table and jogged up stairs to the front door.

Lo and behold it was a...teenager? Dean stood confused, wide eyed at the boy in an oversized trench coat and very twisted blue tie. His head was bowed down, hair matted and raven, messy and pointing in different directions. The tan coat draped over his shoulders and hung low over his body, but he was still only a little bit shorter than Dean himself.

The initial shock of who the fuck is this came to a stop as the strangers head arched up and revealed his crystal blue eyes and chapped lips.

"Cas?" Dean breathily said, his exhale vaporising looking like smoke from his mouth in the morning air.

"Hello...Dean" the voice was a bit higher than what Dean was expecting, more assertive it seemed.

"Dean!? Who is it?!" Sam shouted from downstairs.

"Er...its er...Cas. Cas has come home" Dean smirked, opening the door as he stepped backwards. "Wanna come in and explain a few things?" he asked and Cas solemnly nodded back, barging through under Dean's outstretched arm and ran down into the main bunker area where Sam had his feet up.

Sam had a double take on the new person entering his home, sitting up abruptly "Cas, what the hell-"

"I don't want to talk about it" Cas slumped down and sulked on the chair.

Dean was seen running down like he'd discovered a new species of animal, excitable and taunting. There was a joke in this situation somewhere.

"Let me guess..." Dean slowed down as he cautiously approached Cas like he was a bomb, " was witche-"

"Witches, yes, I know. I was there," Cas dully interrupted, grumbling his words and looked over at his friends trying to suppress laughter. "Oh hahaha so funny for you. I-I'm at a complete end here"

Dean had to bite his lip to compose himself before answering, " long is this for, or is there a cure?"

"Two" Cas replied, barely audible.

"What?" Sam asked, leaning in.

"I said TWO DAYS, uh!" Cas rolled his eyes and threw his head back.

"Alright, no need to get pissy here Cas" Dean saw the building up of emotion combined with hormones was taking its toll on Cas at an alarming rate.

And two days wasn't going to be that bad?

"I am now a very late teen boy, close to adult perhaps? ...who has not had their final growth spurt voice is not the same, well it's dropped but I prefer it deeper...I'm happy one second and depressed and angry the next, DEAN WHAT IS GOING ON" he cried out, throwing his hands by his side and breathing deeply. Poor lil guy.

"You are so lucky you missed puberty, I'd have hated to be around you for those years" Dean sighed. He knew Cas was new to this whole thing but that is not an excuse to have a go at them for doing nothing...yet.

"I need a shower, don't come near me and bring me coffee to my room in 15 minutes" Cas glared darkly at both brothers that scared them out of thee wits.

When he stormed out of the room, they shared a look of fright before scrambling to turn the hot water on and choose the coffee very wisely.

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