Hospital (AU)

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A/N I was gonna do something valentinesyy but nah

Day 7: Dean flopped back on the hospital bed, giving up on trying to reach his phone to tell Sammy he needed to get the fuck out of there. One entire week was enough to drive him insane, he had no idea how he was going to cope for another three and the food. The nurses weren't even hot!

He closed his eyes and rolled over on the pillow without twisting his right leg or wrist, it was almost impossible. When the day would come to turn completely on front, he'd never sleep in another position because that's all he cared about right then. Dean couldn't stay in one position at a time though, he always needed to be moving, on the go or fixing up his car.

That same friggin car that got him here in the first place. But then again it was the other drivers fault, Sam won the case (nerd) and got enough money to pay off some fees. Like he really need to have anything else to worry about.

After what seemed like hours to try and get some sleep, Dean heard a knock on his door. It wasn't Sam - he'd left earlier. Dad was away and Uncle Bobby was the other side of the country.

"Come in" Dean croaked, he didn't mean to but it was the first time in hours he'd spoken with no water.

The door creeped open and as Dean's eyes rose up the doctor get up and white lab coat type...thing. And he wasn't disappointed by the face at the top of the suit. Or by the whole figure to be honest.

The doctors hand lingered on the handle, firmly holding a clipboard and pen in the other and a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Mr. Winchester?" he spoke softly in a deep tone - like very deep, but unsure of his actions and looking too self aware.

"I haven't seen you before. And you are?" Dean sat up a little without causing his left wrist too much pain, smiling through it.

The man walked in further, letting the door shut the noise of the hospital out with a clunk and stood at the end of his bed. "I am a...trainee here. Dr. Novak" he said like it was obvious.

"Trainee?" For one moment he swore he forgot how to breathe, the way the Doctor was glaring at him with the piercing blue eyes, like a view of the sun from underwater.

The man sighed, writing something I his notepad and occasionally looking back up to Dean. "I'm getting to grips with the new lineup and conditions. I-I've just become a Doctor so this is a bit nerve racking. I'm sorry if I talk too much, feel free to shut me up any time" his words stuttered as they left his mouth, wobbling a little and his leg tensed and relaxed in anticipation.

"No, no it's fine. Did they think my case was too simple or insignificant so they got a newbie?"

He put his clipboard on the end of the bed looking quite hurt, "No." But understood where Dean was coming from, but had something better to back it up with, "I am the only Doctor who has recorded qualified training to get you back to full health, I know all your personal details so I can prescribe you with the right medication at the right time. It's part of my analytical studies, so I can do this better than most"

Wow. That's impressive. "I didn't mean any offence by it-" Dean could almost hear the embarrassment in his voice, see his own blushing face.

"No worries. Now about you, I just need to take a few samples of your blood...then maybe mental state with questions you will need to fill out" he seemed to take it well.

"Of course, do what you need to" this was the most exciting thing that had happened during the whole week. Meeting blue eyes and filling out a Q&A. Yay.

When filling out the mundane questions like 'how many units of alcohol do you drink a week?' and the likes, he noticed Novak stumbling over words, not quite knowing what to say - like he wanted conversation or to ask something and constantly shuffling with himself.

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