Hospital AU pt2

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Day 13: Ca? Carrie? Cal? Callum? Carter? What was his name!? It began with 'Ca' and that's all that went through Dean's head over the last day in his absence. The fuzzy warmth of the brush in his hair, the purr of the doctors voice and the burning spot at the pit of Dean's heart was what Dean found so mesmerising - this man could do that to him.

Dean still had a couple more Star Wars films to go through but he knew the impending doom of his doctor walking through any moment put him off. Could he mention the kiss or just brush it off like nothing happened? Fraternisation was strictly prohibited in the hospital, no wonder his doctor made more of a deal out of it.

Dean couldn't overthink anything more as he heard the knock. He wasn't even gonna respond, just lying down with his head in the light fluffy pillow without a care in the world.

"Mr. Winchester, I have your last prescription of medication" the doctor swayed in, placing the tub next to Dean's head and hovering over him. "Dean open your eyes I know you're awake"

Dean sighed and looked up to see Novak over him, then backing away with a heavy chest. "Thank you"

"I don't really need to do anything more than ask you if you've been in anymore pain?" He backed off a little and visibly gulped.

"Nah, nah I'm excellent"

"I'll see you in a few days, call me or reception if I'm needed again, or you want" he was about to turn and walk out when the soft voice begged him go stay.

"Wait. Please don't go" Dean pleaded with puppy eyes and an apologetic smile. His doctor rolled his eyes but walked back over anyway "Do you want to watch A New Hope with me?"

"Lucky for you I was about to get off shift, you little shit. But if we get caught, you're dead" he smiled, turning the lights out and taking his white overcoat off, leaving a thin and tight blue shirt on underneath.

He sat on the visitors seat and leant over the bed as Dean switched on the film. Dean smiled down at him, watching the slightly matted raven hair and its points in every direction and the calm expression on his face.


After all was finished, Dean and the doctors eyes met in tiredness and relief. Dean put the player away while Novak put the light on. It was a comfortable silence, one they could work with. That was until Dean decided he was really tied.

He flopped back on the bed and pulled the sheets up so he was in a position to sleep. "Whatever your name is...Novak. I'm really knocked out of it" he grunted and shuffled his hips into a more comfortable position.

"I'll see you soon, Dean. I don't want to mother you but you need your sleep of we're considering letting you get on crutches"

Dean smirked at the thought of being able to get back into walking again, compare his height with the-kiss-that-was-not. The lights went off and he soon fell into dreams.

Day 15: Dean had spent the morning finishing reading a book, waiting to tell Dr. Novak the news.

The familiar voice brought his attention up, snapping the book down. "Hello Dean-"

"Sammy is visiting later!" Dean quickly interrupted, sitting excitedly up and beckoning Novak over.

"Excuse me?" He raised his eyes up but could clearly see how excited Dean was about this and beamed back.

"My brother. He's coming here later. I mean I shouldn't be this happy about it but he has this job offer - a big job. He says he's gonna tell me if he's got it today when he comes!"

"I hope your brother delivers you the best news then. When is he coming?"

"Within the hour I think" Dean sat up against the headboard and waited for the doctor to give him something or ask whatever doctory crap.

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