We All Have Secrets (D AU)

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"Ask him today"

"No. I-I can't"

"Ask him"

"I told you, I-I can't...really!"

"Can't or won't? Hmm...I think you should get set up"

"Piss off"

"Love you too"
"Castiel, I have your secret Santa. We will be needing the collection in 7 days" Hannah handed over a piece of paper across the reception desk to Cas.

"Hmm? Oh, right. T-Thanks I suppose" Cas snapped from his trance and took his name. He didn't think anything of it as he tucked it into his pocket and continued typing out his report.

Hannah craved his attention, never getting it to the point where she's labelled him gay. Everyone fell for her.
"Dean I have your-" Jo walked in briskly.

"-Yeah yeah I know, just don't rub it in" Dean snatched the paper off her and put it on his desk next to his laptop.

"Aren't you curious?"

"I'll open it when I will open it. It's nothing big, I don't even know why we do it, but I have to join in with the stupid office tradition"

"Fine, Scrooge, just don't go ruining whoever poor soul you have got, okay?"
Jo clicked her tongue and slammed the door behind her. She hated him sometimes but loved her cousin too.

Dean went back, procrastinating away on Tumblr and getting more coffee and food. The paper was still on his desk when he returned, like it was staring at him. He blew on it a little, hoping to blow his troubles away with it. Nothing.

Dean slammed his head on the desk repetitively and snaked his hand toward it, tilting his head and resting it against the table.

Please don't be him. Anyone but him.

Slowly, he opened the paper flat on the desk before he sat up. It took a moment to focus his eyes on the name. And it was who he was dreading. Castiel Novak.

What the fuck was he going to buy the hottest guy in the building? The shy but extremely sexy and bad-ass man who could make straight men blush. Crystal blue eyes that shoot dark and arousing looks to him. That black hair that was always like he'd just had sex-rough and heavy and messy. It just had to be him.
Castiel packed up everything for the weekend. He had that long to think about how he could ask someone out to show his parents he wouldn't forever be alone. If only Dean would notice him, talk to him for more than 5 minutes standing around the coffee machine or in meetings. Or just genuinely small tasking around the office.

Once home (which really didn't take long) Cas bent down for to get the mail. The inevitable meowing began from the sofa and padding towards him.

"Hey Alfie" Cas whispered, stroking his cats head then shutting his door, going towards his bedroom. As he began to take his shirt off, a piece of paper dropped out of it and landed on his bed.

"What .. the .. hell?" Castiel picked it up and opened it up "ohhh" he realised it was his secret Santa.

It soon turned his mood as he studied the name even more "ohhh shit"

Dean Winchester.

It just had to be that guy. Cas knew he could get girls easily but when it came to the people he actually preferred, no chance for romance. And Dean was no exception. Only met him a few times properly to fall for him and his ways.

So what the heck was he going to get him?
"Hey, Jo" Dean paced up and down his couch, jumping on it a little to stop his anxiety.

"How's my favourite cousin doing?"

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