Business pt3 (D AU)

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"Hey Cas, you alright?" Dean leant forward fast, holding up the frightened man in his arms.

"Crowley? He'll get you!" Cas panted, breathing heavily, looking around the room anxiously and held Dean tightly back.

"Shh, relax I've got you. Crowley won't do much harm being six-feet under, you're okay. I'm never gonna let you out of my sight again now"

"You killed him, for me?" he was tearing up a little, you could see the glimmer of water in his wide eyes that kept focusing on either of Deans.

"That's what I'm here for now, to look after you" he nodded reasuringly.

"But what if Crowley has told others-"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but I think he's the only one who knows where you are"

"I apologise for the state I'm in" Cas dropped away from Deans clasp.

"You did what you needed to do, the bastard can't get you now. I don't care, we're in this now and we've got to power through this. Now lets patch you up" Dean sat back down on the coffee table, pulling it closer to the couch.

"You shot him? You killed someone. For me...I'm so stupid for bringing you into this, you could get killed" Cas put his hands to his head, ruffling through his already messy hair while Dean used anti-bac wipes on his cheek and arms.

"Kill or be killed. And I am definitely not going to be killed, or you. Let me know if I'm hurting you, don't hesitate please" he looked Cas dead in the eyes, continuing to stroke his shoulders with the cloth.

Castiel nodded then focused on the many freckles of Deans face, mapping his facial fetures and noticing for the first time since living with the Winchester how different coloured eyes he has, green with hints of hazel, browny and blue was like looking into a nebua.

Both men seeming to hold their breaths being closer then usual. Cas didn't know at the time that Dean was examining every detail of his upper body.

"I-I-Dean...that there hurts a little" Cas mumbled, lost in Deans eyes, then hissed and scrunched his eyes together when Dean went over a certain scratch.
"Sorry" Dean focused on another injury "almost done" he went back to the last scar "if you have anything else thats hurting, put this stuff on" he held out the wipes that Cas took.

"Thanks" he lost himself again in the green eyes but recovered.

"Hang on" Dean leant forward again, using his thumb to rub over Castiels lower lip.

"Dean?" he adressed him in a panicked voice

"'I'm just getting your lip, its a bit swollen from earlier, don't worry" he chuckled, standing up and moving over to the kitchen "I'm going off to bed now, i'll see you in the morning" he put away some stuff before heading to his room, collapsing down and almost immedietly falling asleep.


Cas was thrashing under the covers, beads of sweat coming from his torso and forehead, his arms crashed against the matress. Once his body was relaxed he'd kick like he was being electicuted, eyes squeezed shut.

"Dean! No please don't hurt Dean!" he cried out, groaning in pain and sipping in breaths "DEAN!"

Hearing his name being called out like that, Dean jumped up. It was 3.12am, no light so in the panic he bashed his knee on the side of the bed before running next door.

"Cas? Hey, hey, hey, I'm here baby" slipping out of his mouth as he knelt next to Castiel, lightly holding his shoulders down. Dean rubbed through Cas' hair, coaxing him to wake up.

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