Business pt2 (D AU)

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I literally had this chapter finished hours ago but Wattpad broke on me so I had to re-do half of it so I'm like 😁😱 basically...

Dean lay on the most uncomfortable bed in the world topless, hot from the summer nights. And now knowing that like next door was some hot guy stroking at himself, touching to his high and if that didn't turn on Dean then nothing could.

After half an hour he ended up just in boxers, sprawled above the covers in darkness. Then the moans Dean could only describe as pornographic began pooling from Castiels mouth and through the wall right to Deans cock.

I can't it's wrong, he's just a refugee-my refugee...who happens to be very attractive and probably excellent in the bedroom department. Getting off to him just this once won't be too bad, would it? And he'll never know.

So being as risky and 'live in the moment' type guy Dean was, he went for it, knowing that he had to be quiet he's not known for being silent.

After his thinking, he hardly noticed how worked up he got from picturing Castiel teasing himself, stroking over his sensitive areas until coming hard into his hand, his toned body hot and messy.

"Oh fuck it" Dean palmed himself even though he felt like his fantasy had worked him up to peak almost already. His hand worked over his shaft, his throbbing head twitching against the tight fabric, making Dean work harder before he couldn't take any more.

"F-Fuck Cas...please baby fuck yes, yes-shit so good" he let the moans continue to slip from his mouth, touching through the fabric just making him buck his hips up until he took off his boxers. As soon as it was off he began the real pleasure, fucking hard into his tight grip that he was so desperate for.

The groans from Castiel came louder through the wall making Dean have to bite his lip to stifle the louder sounds escape.

"Like that, yes-yes please yes D-Dea-yes oh god-fuck me" Cas could only just be heard crying.

Was he about to say my name? Was that it?

Dean gave up on holding himself up and full on pumped himself to a state, on the edge.

"Oh fuck please" he couldn't hold his moans back any further, almost screaming it out.

As Cas reached his climax he let out the most porn-worthy of noises rattling through Deans body, sending him shockwaves of ecstasy around his body and coming over his hand and chest.

"Shit" he said to himself, panting and lying back flat in his hit bundle of pillows and his body.
"Hey Dean? Dean it's Cas" Cas knocked on his door, slightly opening it and poking his head through into the darkness.

"Hmm? Cas?" Dean mumbled, assembling himself, remembering he was completely naked.

"Oh sorry, I'll-shit-I didn't mean to" Cas realised.

"No no no don't worry about me" he assembled his sheets, covering his body "stay. Now what was it?"

"Urm, there's no milk or bread so I was just wondering where the nearest shop was" Cas walked in closer to Dean.

"You can't leave here remember? I'll get something in the next half hour, sorry I should've got them earlier"

"Seriously, it's okay, I can get something else. I'll be in my-your bedroom"

"You can watch TV or whatever, I've got Netflix so the world is yours. And also I've got clothing, use shower provided-basically make yourself at home, my stuff is your stuff"

"Thank you" Cas shivered in the morning freeze, smiling only at Deans selflessness and kindness he gave off.

"That's what I'm here for" Dean blushed a little, glancing across Castiels body as his eyes adjusted. He wore his shirt as it was completely unbuttoned from the heat but kept in only briefs. Dean became more breathy at the sight.

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