Sometimes pt 2 (D)

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That day passed without fault. Castiel was scratching at my mind for a while, those blue eyes made all the difference.

But was he flirting with me? He did literally ask me out for a drink. Nah, he isnt into men, look at him...although he didnt turn me down when I hopelessly spoke to him. My brain was overacting, like it never does. It was just a man.

"Mr. Winchester. Meeting?" my thoughts were interrupted by the sex-god himself.

"Hey, yes..Cas" definate overcompensating.

"Shall we go then?"

"Yeah of course, sorry I've just been a bit...drifted recently" I didnt know how else to put not going to talk about my feelings to the guy the feelings are about.

I got up from my desk and headed downstairs with him, I occasionally looked over at him, the calm, composed vibe that he gave off.

"Nervous?" we stood outside the staff room together.

"I'll be okay"

"You should've had that drink before hand, after you meet this lot you'll be downing the pints" he joked.

Reluctantly he swiped his key card over the door and opened it like we were going into the centre of the earth, filled with mystery...


"I think I'm going to be needing those drinks now, Cas" I said as we exited the school grounds, out of earshot of the other professors.

"I told you so" he slightly laughed, jogging up onto the sidewalk and down the road in the damp, humid evening."One of the best bars around here" he opened the door and walked in.

"Evening Castiel" a blonde woman came up behind the bar and greeted Cas.

"Hey Jo, this is Dean, a new teacher at the school" Cas introduced me to Jo, seeming a little too familiar with her...definitely straight. I waved at her before sitting down at a table just for two.

He joined me a moment later, smiling with the beers.

"Are you sure you're okay Dean? I mean you seem nervous...I'm not suprised but you've been like this all day around..." he didnt finish the sentence, almost like he knew I already had the hots for him. Shit.

"I think this drink is going to be all the therapy I need for surving" I nervously replied, downing my beer and holding my head.

"No, you're not alright. I know about this, I was a behavioural therapist in training and this is on the radar my friend"

"Just...its been dificult"

"How so?"

"Look, no offence but I'm not just going to say everything to a new friend"

"Friends get you through a lot. Jo got me through a really difficult breakup with my violent bastard of a boyfriend so its always worth talking it out with someone"

Did I hear him right?


"Yes...everyone around here knows that" he stuttered, feeling embarrassed and blushing, looking away a bit.

"Good-I-I mean okay...Its fine, Im-Im just going to the restroom"


I walked in and almost jumped for joy at that one little word...boyfriend.

"Fuck yes! He's gay!" I whispered as I punched my arm in the air, not caring if anyone walked in then.

A moment later I walked back in to him, looking lonely and fumbling around with his fingers, staring out the condensated window.

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