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"Son of a bitch!" Dean cried out into the darkness where the vampire had just ran off into, wiping sweat off his forehead.

"Come on, Dean. We'll pick up the case tomorrow. It's too late" I said, Cas staring awkwardly into my eyes.

"But! But-" his voice wobbled in disbelief.

"Sam is right. We can just 'pick it up' as you say in the morning" Castiel chipped in, walking behind Dean so close that if he turned around-

"Crap! Cas don't scare me like that" they stood only a little apart still, their coats brushing. Looking longingly into each others eyes. Dean smiled a little and then Urgh!

"Sorry Dean. I d-didn't mean too"

They didn't even break eye contact. It was so annoying that they weren't even together.

"Ahem!" I declared.

They jumped slightly apart and glared at me, still well within each other's personal space. I rolled my eyes at them both, the tension unbearable.

We headed back to the motel, I could tell Dean was checking up on Cas in the mirror every so often so I just kept looking out of the window, trying to keep the giggles in.

Once we made it there, Dean leap out of the car and ran into the room. Cas quickly followed after him leaving me not only bemused but to carry the bags also.

Once I got in I found them sitting next to each other on MY bed.

"...which is why I want to catch the sons of bitches and get them out. This nest...I think hate is too soft on them. You know what they did. Just so you understand" Dean finished looking up at me as I shoved the bags on his bed. He then caught Cas' stare and moved eye contact to him.

Cas went to place his hand on Deans thigh but just reluctantly hovered it then placed it on his knee instead. Both of them half smiling at each other.

"Get a room" I whispered to myself.

"What?" Dean asked.

"I said get a room!" I said out angrily to which they both stared wide eyed at me.

"What does he mean? We already have a room. Is this not you class as a 'room' now?" Cas said to Dean as I began taking off my jacket and shoes.

"Don't worry" Dean said as he got up and walked over to get a beer, leaving Cas just sitting there confused.

"Actually Dean, I'm gonna rent another place. I'll see you in the morning"

"Why? hang on wait!"

"Kiss Cas" I whispered in an 'obviously' tone and nodded.

"What? Why?"

Cas soon came up to me and Dean whispering.

"Am I missing something?"

"No it's just Sam is being an-"

"-Amazingly helpful person to you both. Cas it's fine. I just thought you and Dean can have some alone time,

I want to go out and get something to eat" to which they both looked completely confused at me.

"What's up with you?"

"What's up with me?! God, you're so thick" I said as I shoved Dean over into Cas front first. They collapsed on the floor, Dean on top of Cas with his legs either side of the Angels waist.

"Err...Hello Dean" Cas gruffly said to Dean.

"Urmm...hey" he smirked a little.

They landed so their faces were next to each other looking like Dean had jumped on Cas. He slowly pulled his head up so they were nose to nose. I could see Dean leaning in hesitantly.

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