Gasoline pt 2 (D AU)

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It wasn't that Dean was a sucker for Cas' eyes, his adorable personality or looks. No...thats not at all why he was dreaming about him all night. Or missing him in the morning and finding that Cas wasn't asleep next to him in the groggy motel close to Sams apartment.

He'd promised he'd help Sam fix up his new car (which Dean took a string dislike to) it was the compete opposite of his Impala. Also they needed to catch up seeing as last night things didn't all go according to plan. But then Jess would pick up Sam at 4 so he had 2 hours before...oh crap he's actually going on a date.

When Dean got to see his brother that morning, Cas wasn't in the place. He'd 'gone out to study' as Sam put it. But he also explained that Cas would actually just go and draw in the park or lake.

They eventually finished working through the car and the past year in words so it wasn't a bad day. Sam slumped down on the hood of his car with Dean and took a sip from his beer, feeling proud.

"So are you still going ahead with the whole Cas-date thing?"

"He told you?"

"Yeah. Well...I forced it out of him ish" Sam shrugged getting a look of annoyance back from his brother. "Hey I knew something was going to happen! I just nudged him until I got the truth"

"And yes. I am still going out with him tonight"

"Don't mess with him. He's fragile, but you know how cool he is. Just...I can see he's somehow damaged and if you do anything else I'll kill you. I'll be at Jess' until tomorrow so I'll see you the, I guess"

"Fair enough"


As he found himself in the motel at 4.30, he could not simply know what to wear or where to go. His brain went fuzzy? That was a first. Basically he had no idea about anything that evening-even Cas.

The minutes creeped closer to 6. By that time he'd booked for a movie and just thought he'd wear what he thought was 'trendy' and casual.

Not nervous though. Why would Dean be nervous? He wasn't that sort of person at all before a date who panicked about venue, entertainment and review.

5.48. Maybe he should go and pick Cas up then, get it over and done. Or he could spend more time with him. He was beautiful and fantastic to have a conversation with. After last night he wasn't a bad kisser either.

Yeah, he'd do that.

"Cas?" Dean cautiously knocked on the door, hovering on his feet.

"You're not going to kill me this time" Cas opened up, inviting him in for a moment.

"Unarmed" he bit his tongue, smiling.

"I would like to question your reasoning with a gun at all times but I'm not going to" he walked to grab a scarf from the couch and slung it over himself.


"Where are we going?"

"Cinema first. Then maybe Ellen's roadhouse. You know the place?"

"No. I have no idea what's in this place apart from gym and my lessons really"

Cas lead Dean back out of the apartment and locked up, jogging down the stairs.

"You're kinda shy then?"

"I get a bit anxious, especially with other people...or lots of other people"

"Okay. We'll just avoid alot then. Ellen can sort us out a quiet spot"

They reached the cinema just in time for the showing, running along the side walks as fast as they could. By the time the got there they were panting and sweating but still managing to talk.

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