Preview pt 2

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A/N same story just a little later from preview 1 (no shit) ... working on the Hospital one though so fear not! (I've been in London doing stuff for like the 6th time this year ALREADY)

Also this is a work in progress...enjoy this snippet that will be completely altered by the publishing time:

After a rather steamy shower, Dean and Cas searched for suitable clothing that wasn't strewn across the room or closet. Even if his jeans were crumpled, Dean always took to wearing them first.

It was a strange atmosphere between the two, because now they were allowed to check each other out, make compliments to how gorgeous they were and kiss them. Cas was just finishing his outfit with a jacket of Dean's when he felt his boyfriend grab his shoulders and turn him around, sweeping a foot off the ground and resting his back on Dean's knee like an end to a dance.

Cas made a shocked yelp then chuckled as Dean descended and slowly lowered them both to the floor, attacking Cas with kisses over his face and occasionally on his neck. "D-Dehehean..." Cas put his hand up a little in protest but Dean's determination had him sucking and nibbling over his face, wet trails over his cheeks and jaw line.

"Hmm" Dean mumbled back, grasping Cas' hands and folding then as he continued planting his lips everywhere, kneeling over Cas' waist. "I can't help it if you're the most beautiful being ever"

Cas tried to shake Dean off, closing his eyes and smiling while tilting his head away from the kisses. " you want to go out tonight?"

Dean stopped and drew back, Cas opening his eyes and getting up to his elbows. "What, Cas?"

Now Cas was blushing, did Dean not want this? Or do normal people not go on dates anymore? "I mean...first date? There's a nice place around the corner, I figured we could go there and then watch some TV I don't know..."

"Yeah...I thought you'd never ask" Dean sighed and Cas imploded with relief.

They scrambled up and sorted their messy clothing out, nervously laughing at the other because of this followed by quick looks up at the other. Dean ran one hand through his hair making it flatten from its normal pointy state and then shuddered in the coldness of early morning hotel room.

"Sooo...where are we off to today, Dean?"
They had spent the day holding hands and cheekily bumping into each other at every corner or opportunity. Cas had convinced Dean to go to the National Gallery, traipsing round there for an hour while Dean was captivated by Cas' face and expressions, the way he explained things. Cas on the other hand was mesmerised by painting and meanings, styles and whatever the hell that piece of shit hanging from the ceiling was.

Dean ended up dragging Cas out of there to China Town to try 'Bubble Tea' whatever that was. Dean concluded, while walking around memorial trees and Chinese food stores, that it was like a milkshake, only better with more crazy. However Cas didn't enjoy his choice on a mixture of milkshake and fruit juice in one which made Dean laugh uncontrollably for about half an hour at Cas' disgruntled expression.

They sat under a tree and watched life pass by for a while; some people came past holding cameras and talking about their life, secretly holding hands just out of shot, another wearing Darth Vader costumes and being chased by Storm Troopers down the road, which reminded Dean that Cas hadn't seen Star Wars yet. But mostly beautiful, rare and precious life.

After, they wandered through the main touristy places like the Tate Modern and along Southwark, Shakespeare's Globe, that lot...once you'd seen one thing you'd seen it all basically. But nevertheless Cas was fascinated by the different culture and history (Dean still had his grudges and doubts but thought it wasn't the worst place since they weren't getting shouted at for holding hands all the time).

Evening crept up and the walked back across the Millennium Bridge which Cas ran across, pretending he was being chased by Dementors (Cas had to remind him that this was the bridge across the Thames that collapsed in Harry Potter). And Dean filmed it all, zooming in to the happy face at the half way mark, throwing a thumbs up to the camera and grinning as he ran back into Dean's arms. Dean stumbled back a bit at the impact and held the camera above them to record the long kiss that followed with the sunset in the background and calm waters.

It was an exhausting trek back to the hotel, still holding onto each other and smiling (Dean got lost but convinced Cas otherwise, panicking inside but covering it up until he found somewhere familiar)...Just a little more tired. And they'd only had a Bubble Tea and pot noodle - Dean's last resort - that day.

They fumbled with the door key and collapsed through the door onto the bed, giggling and still in each others arms.

Cas leant on his side and kissed Dean's forehead, "thanks for the best day"

"Thank you. And we haven't finished yet, dinner...remember?"

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