Underneath (D Xmas @bunker)

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A/N warning: short and shit chapter

"Curious" Cas said, standing under the door frame and looking up at the plant hanging from it.

Dean and Sam exchanged a look, bringing their heads above their laptops and looked at the back of the trench coated man.

"What is Cas?" Dean asked, expecting the normal, stupid answer. Sam rolled his eyes again.

"Why do you hang up an evergreen above our heads? Is there some sort of Christmas ritual I'm not made aware of?"

"No, the mistletoe is there to...Err... Kiss people under" Dean stuttered.

"Why? Why that plant?" Cas turned around to face the brothers, tilting his head and giving a crooked smile.

"Ask Sam, the nerd man over here" Dean pointed across to his brother and went back to his research.

Sam was still looking at his laptop, oblivious to recent conversation and thus creating a silence as Cas waited for an answer "Sam?"

He coughed and then shrugged "I don't know, Google it later maybe Cas"

"S-So, you kiss people under it"

"Yes" Dean sighed.

"Why have we put it up then? None of us are in a relationship with anyone"

"It's tradition" the Winchesters said at the same time.

"So this particular plant won't see anyone under here then?" Cas walked to the table and poured himself a drink, sitting next to Dean.

"Not unless we get seriously drunk" Sam remarked.

"Hey Sam" Dean called out in a whisper as he met his brother in the corridor.

"Yeah, Dean?" he got held back by his shoulder and gave him a quizzical look.

"I-I need you to get me and Cas-somehow-under that mistletoe, please" Dean begged.

"You really must be drunk already" Sam laughed, somehow he knew Dean was telling the truth though.

"Seriously Sam, no time to explain" Dean got agitated and seemed on edge.

"You really are serious, aren't you? Well...it was bound to happen sooner or later. I'll do it" he sighed, flipping his magnificent moose hair and walked back to the couch.

"Thanks, see you in a bit" Dean breathes heavily in relief and went to his room to wash and properly dress so at least Cas might think he's attractive before he pulls him into a kiss. Tonight could basically go either way.
All men were relaxing with a beer in one hand on the couch, watching TV mindlessly until some crappy soap opera came on.

Dean kept glancing over to his brother, as if to say 'do it soon!' But Sam didn't seem to catch on.

"Sam" Dean whispered as he reached over and tried not to get Cas' attention.

"Soon" Sam mouthed back.

Dean really was getting impatient and Cas began to give worrying looks to both boys but sat back and relaxed all the same.
"I'm going to head off to bed, I'll see you both in the morning. Thank you" Cas excused himself and got up from the chair.

"Hey, hey, hey Cas" Sam stood and blocked Cas from going any further.

"What?" He furrowed his brow.

Sam looked over the Angels shoulder to see Dean nodding and beginning to stand up.

"Err... Come this way, I've got some thing to show you" Sam awkwardly lead Cas to under the mistletoe and asked him to stand still.

"Sam? Isn't there the tradition of the kiss?" Cas awkwardly looked up to the plant and back to a rather scared Sam.

"Ur...hold on" Sam tried to get back past Castiel.

"Are you going to kiss me, Sam?" Cas stood a little back but kept his calm and composed look on his face.

"No! No, I mean...not me" Sam saw behind the angel Dean in a ball on the floor trying to suppress his laughter.

"J-Just look at that nice painting a second, hold on" Sam ran past Cas and picked up Dean who had a completely red face from laughing too much.

"You dick!" Sam whispered.

"That was the funniest thing I've seen in ages" Dean sighed, getting normal colouring back and breathing pattern.

"Who is going to tell him he can stop looking at the fucking greenery now and go to bed?!"

"I'm going to kiss him Sam, I just wanted to see that first"

"I will kill you" Sam pushed Dean towards the confused angel.

"Dean...um, what is happening?" Cas tilted his head.

Dean walked and stood opposite the angel right underneath mistletoe, well in personal space.

"Hey, sorry about Sam. I just asked him to get us like this" he shuffled.

"Like what?"

"Under the...thng" Deans breath took over his speech as he pointed up to mistletoe and smiled at Cas' innocence.

"Oh, right. So it was you who wanted to kiss me?"

"Cas, if you wouldn't mind me being your boyfriend then...Yes. Yes Cas I would" Dean didn't have to lean in much further to press his lips to the Angels.

He held over Castiels shoulders and flicked his tongue over the Angels lips, kissing him deeper and getting satisfactory moans from him.

After about a minute of smiling into the passionate make out session, they drew away for proper breaths.

"Sam, just to be clear, you might want to put headphones on tonight" Dean shot a look to moose (who was grinning so much his jaw and cheeks hurt just observing the two).

"I wasn't planning on listening to you guys!" he strutted off leaving Cas and Dean still next to each other.

"Can we do that again, Dean?" Cas said after a moment of just looking at Dean.

"Follow me to my room, Cas. Then we can discuss what we can do" he winked at the confused angel then took his hand and dragged him down to his room.

The room where Sam left his music and headphones.

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