Out (Destiel)

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Dean sat on the hood of the impala, drinking beer in one hand and tapping the beat to the album playing from inside the car. Enjoying life, sorta. Sam was away, those in heaven being dicks as normal. But here he was, late at night. Calm. Staring up at the stars in the beautiful night sky, in the middle of no where after a satisfying job ending. So yeah, it was good.

But lonely.

And he missed Cas.

"All by myseeelllff" he began singing. He wasn't drunk or anything. Just alone and wasn't bothered about saying anything out loud.

"I'm lovin' Angels instead" he changed song to suit his thoughts.

"Hello Dean" a deep voice can from behind him.

Dean fell off the hood and stumbled onto the floor, spilling beer over his crotch. He looked down disappointedly and back at Cas.

"Cas, what the hell?" Dean said wiping his jeans, then he sat down back on the beloved Impala.

"Sorry, it's just been a really stressful time recently. I just need somewhere to go when I'm feeling...tense. I'll go if you don't want me-"

"Shut up. Who wouldn't want you around?"

"You'd be surprised about the amount of Angels who would solemnly disagree with that statement"

"Hehe. So...what's been going on upstairs. Skip the major details, I know how crappy gods minions are being recently. Apart from you. You're the exception, by far the best among the darkness"

"I just feel there's so much...pressure on me. Why me?"

"Because you're special" Dean interrupted. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled at one another. "Come here" he patted the hood for Cas to sit next to him. Cas smiled a little but he was still filled with pain still from civil war.

"Thank you Dean. I think you're special too"

"Don't go getting all soppy on me now okay?" Dean sarcastically joked.

"Anyway, i just have a massive pounding in my head. Constantly aching, the pressure is...it's just too much"

"I would do anything not to have you go through this. But we've got to start fighting. For us. For all of us. And we'll do this together" he smiled.

"Now who's getting soppy"

"Hahe, I mean it Cas. Stay with me please. I'll try my best to relax you"

"Hmm" the angel breathed in a laugh.

Then unexpectedly Dean leaned over and lay his head on the Angels shoulder. Cas flinched from this sudden change in attitude.

"I really think I should get back now" Cas hesitantly said.

"Please stay with me. You don't need to constantly worry. Relax" Dean looked up from laying his head.

"I can't" Cas whispered into Deans ear.

At that moment Dean decided he would do it. Actually do it.

He grabbed that back of Cas' head with both free hands and kissed the Angel softly but with desperation. Their lips moved perfectly together, Dean nipping at Cas' upper lip and sucking delicately. The angel began trailing his tongue along the hunters bottom lip asking for entry. Dean opened his mouth to forcefully enter Castiels.

They continued passionately kissing for a second before Dean reluctantly pulled head back and rested it against Cas'. They locked their hands together and held it up to neck height. Their fingers interlocking and fumbling around.

"I'm better now, thank you Dean"

"I thought that'd help"

There was a short pause before their breathing evened out again.

"I'm not sure I can cope when I do get back"

Dean took both of the Angels hands and stood up, dragging Cas with him"You have me now"

"Do I?"

"Yes. I want to be with you. And if this is our last time together before the crap that is about to happen, on earth as it is in heaven, then I don't want to be alone. Not without my angel"

"We'll get through this. I know we will"

"But last night together? Do you want to do anything...special?"

"When you say special, you imply sex or something sexual?"

"Only if you-you want it...I don't mind"

"I would love to then" Cas smiled, not forcibly. But a true one. It melted Deans heart.

He moved Cas' body back up against the impala, moving his hands around the Angels waist and ripping his trench coat and shirt off with ease. Dean continued to kiss at the Angels neck and collar bone, making some small bruises.

Dean parted his lips and quickly threw off his jacket and t-shirt. Cas began touching all over Deans torso, massaging the palms of his hands into his sides and scratching lightly at his body.

"I fucking love you Cas" Dean groaned into the Angels neck. Dean felt his own member hardening, restricting him making it almost painful not to be revealed. Cas felt the same, but tighter than Dean because of the fabric.

They were both moaning at random times as they touched each other in places they didn't even know made them horny. Dean then began pulling down Castiels pants.

"Dean, can we not. It's cold. I'm not going in the impala too"

"Of course Cas. I'll just-"

Dean grabbed Cas' cock and began pumping at it. The angel could already feel he was on edge, but Dean wanted to make sure Cas got the best out of his orgasm.

He undone his own jeans and gasped as the cold air touched his member. With both hands and stroking himself and Cas at the same time he could feel he was going to come soon.

"F-Fuck Dean. Faster!" Cas groaned out.

As they were only just standing up still, Dean did as he was told and full on pumped at their swollen members. With one last hard and fast flick of his wrist he came, moaning the Angels name. Castiel was soon after, both riding out their orgasms to the most.

They slumped and lay on the hood of the impala, breathless and beginning to feel the cold air on their bodies.

Dean felt out for the Angels hand and grabbed it.

"I love you Cas, don't forget it. Don't forget me"

"We should probably put some clothes on though"

"Yeah, that's an idea, it's freezing. I'll clean up, you get my jacket from over there" Dean pointed to a lump in the middle of the road. Cas quickly did as he was told and returned.

Now both fully clothed, they took one last look on the horizon as the sun was coming up.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Cas said.

"You're beautiful" Dean said making them both smile.

"I shouldn't have stayed this long. I have a war to attend to"

"You know where to find me if you feel tense again" he held the Angels hand and slowly let go.

"I'll, erm. I'll see you soon" Cas was on the edge of tears already.

"Bye Cas"

The angel was gone in an instant leaving Dean feeling empty. But he now had Cas. And the sunrise.

A/N sorry if you haven't been watching season 10 but wasn't the end of 'Soul Survivor' with Dean and Cas moment (IN DEANS BEDROOM, NEAR BED) such a destiel set up not just by sam but by both of them! Someone better write fanfic of after that! I can't take it anymore!!!

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