You Have No Choice (D)

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A/N best fanart of the day^ also, at one point I really thought this was turning into wincestiel...which excited and hella scared me at the same time...I'm sure you can pick up on where...

Cas fluttered his eyelids open and smiled, feeling the warmth of his boyfriend wrapped around him. He lifted one hand up and turned around to see Dean grinning with his eyes closed and stroked his cheeks. Slowly, Dean opened one eye, then the other to see Cas right in front of him, yawning like a kitten and then biting his lower lip.

This was their morning, sometimes a groan from the back of their throats for a cuddley atmosphere or to let them know they were still tired. But mostly touch and gestures that completed dawn for them.

Today seemed different though, like...Cas didn't do anything else but fall backwards and relaxed into the mattress. Dean creased his brow then just nestled his hips into Cas' using one hand on his chest and planted kisses on his neck. Once settled he nuzzled his nose into his boyfriends collar and brought one leg over his body.

Cas slowly rotated to face Dean before winking playfully and vanishing away in the blink of an eye leaving Dean not only extreamly confused but feeling glacial.

"Cas, you sneaky sonuvabitch" he whispered to himself, sitting up and throwing the sheets fiercely down, looking around the room 1000% done with his weirdo boyfriends crap. But he was his weirdo.

He put on boxer shorts, stumbling over to the door while putting them on. Because he had no idea what Cas wanted or why he was even being this mischevious, Dean ran downstairs. As soon as he walked into the kitchen he saw Cas' muscle toned back and two cups of hot coffee being made.

He stood still for a moment, leaning against the door frame before silently padding as quickly as he could up, behind Castiel and grabbing around his waist. Cas took in a sharp breath before sighing, chuckling lightly and finishing his hot dematisse.

"Morning baby" Dean growled into Castiels ear, dotting kisses on it and trailing down to the crook of his neck and brought his hands lower down on Cas' body, hugging him from behind tighter.

"Hello, Dean" Cas grumbled back, twisting around through Deans grip to face him.

"Are you alright?" he tilted his head and pushed Cas into the counter and made sure their eyes were locked together.

"I'm-" Cas bashed his foot into the desk and gulped "-I'm doing fine"

"No, no you're not" Dean let go of Cas' waist and pulled for both his hands and kissed them "you're flirtacious, cheeky, then tense...can't blame me for being concerned"

"Nothing is the matter. I-I got you a beverage" Cas grabbed behind him and handed over a cup.

"You sure you're okay? Thanks for...mmm, delicious Cas" Dean took a sip and drew away back to the main room and table.

Cas soon followed, humming a slightly familiar tune that Dean couldn't quite figure out. They sat next to eachother, Dean skimming through the papers but Cas kept on purring out the melody. After a minute of baffled brisk looks from Dean, Cas caught on and smirked, beginning to let a few words tumble out with the tune.

"Nnd when et smms 's 'f your end is draw'ng near, don't you dare giv up the fight, ju' put your trust beyond the sky..." the words began to unfold and become less breathy in Castiels saturnine articulation.

Dean shallowly nodded in slight recognition. Then to his surprise Cas really went for the chorus.

"I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel" Cas turned to face Dean and smirked, lightly panting and shutting the laptop down.

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