Business pt1 (D AU)

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A/N these might be a bit more touchy and idk more sensitive...idk how it's gonna turn out but I'm taking measurements.

Dean was high on the business chain in banking and investment. Not so well known but good enough pay and high enough ranking to be content with life.

Then there was Castiel, the PA for Deans superior. The two had never met properly, sometimes exchanged nervous glances or a nod, but never properly looked at each other-Cas almost embarrassed and rushed around the building, so no...they wouldn't really meet. Not until now, when both meet for the worst.

"Sir?" Dean knocked nervously on his boss' door, waiting for the all clear to enter.

"Dean, come in, sit yourself down my friend" Zachs sly language slid across his tongue.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" It was unusual so Dean obviously thought the worst of it-had his ex been telling lies again?He sat down opposite Zachariah and tried his best too look relaxed.

"Yes, well you've been drifted at late and I couldn't help notice...more distracted then usual. You're lonely looking and spend most time by yourself, I don't mean to intrude but is there something else from work or your tiny social life that you'd want?" He put his feet up on the desk.

"Want? you know me, I'm fine as I am" Dean shuffled.

"Well i couldn't help noticing your lack in companionship also"

"I'm not sure what you're asking of me" Dean tried to make sense of everything.

"All I'm saying is a nice 'friend' or something would do you the world of good in 'cheering you up'. "

"Urm...well...I work for the company a lot, there's not much time outside work and the building"

"You've got spare time here, always. Just hook up with the receptionist or something" he winked at Dean who was not only creeped out but embarrassed that people were beginning to notice this.

"Mr. Smith?" An alert and deep voice came from the side door of the office.

"Yes, Castiel. I'm in a mini meeting at the moment so be quick" Zach almost angrily replied.

"I-I" it took one look at Dean from Cas to see how gorgeous the stranger he was interrupting actually was.

"Come on, spit it out, share all"

"I-I'll tell you later" Cas went back through to the little room and hid.

"Don't mind him, he's an excellent worker but just shy with new people. A bit like you in that he is lonely-no social life"

"Oh...right" Dean shuffled a bit, trying to get the dreamy smile and dark brown hair out of his mind.

"Well, I hope you carry on working hard here then, I'll be seeing more of you soon"


"I couldn't help but notice you taking an interest at first sight of Castiel"

"Hmm, what? No, no I've only j-just really seen him"

"And we're finished here then, good stuff" he clapped his hands.

Dean quickly got up from his chair, almost running to the door.

"Oh and Dean, you may get a...present later tonight in your office" Zach grinned.

"Okay" Dean didn't want to spend any more time with his boss, beginning to really creep him out, he was more than glad to be back in his own office.
Dean cleared up his paperwork, putting it in his draw and packing his bag to go home finally. It was exhausting but he worked well and the job was fine, nothing particularly exciting. He hid his dreams mostly through the fact they're unachievable and laughable.

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