Snuggle? (D)

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A/N Omg I'm surprised at my own skills as I finally do something that won't end in sex! I hope...

"Cas, are you gonna come to bed?" Dean yelled from the bed to Cas in the bathroom.

"Tired?" Cas spat out the toothpaste and patted his face with cloth.

"I just want to be with you in bed, is that too much to ask?" Dean sighed, flopping back against the mattress.

"I'll be there in a second. So impatient sometimes Dean, I don't know why I'm still with you" Cas sarcastically said, shutting the bathroom door and slowly walking over to his collapsed boyfriend and tilting his head.

"It's because you love me" Dean groaned, smiling but kept his eyes closed.

"I do. It's true" Cas mounted Dean and pinned his shoulders down.

Dean darted his eyes open and tried to get Cas off him but failed and just let him have this dominance.

"Urmph, Cas baby, can least..let me breathe here, man" he scoffed, arching his chest up.

"Yes. Sorry..." Cas put his weight on his knees either side of Deans waist.

"It's okay" he rubbed his eyes and collapsed back, looking like he was sleeping. "Are you gonna join me Cas or just stay on top of me for tonight?"

"Oh, yes...I was just-I don't know" he lay himself back down on top of his hunter, snuggling into his chest and neck but still leaving a bit of weight on his legs.

"You can get under the covers too you know"

"Your body warmth is enough but I suppose it would be adequate for both of us" Cas shuffled off Dean and relaxed on his side, facing away from Dean.

Suddenly he felt a hand fold around his hips and settle at his waist, bringing his back to Deans chest snugly. Their hips and now bodies slotted together perfectly. He sighed, breathing in Deans sent off the pillow and his warmth and safe feeling he provided.

Cas opened his eyes to the dark room and Deans head settling on his neck, slowly and gently breathing.

"Dean, I'm really hot now" Cas grumbled, turning back around to face Dean now.

"Is that so?" Dean opened one eye and smirked before slowly unbuttoning Cas' shirt until he could slip it off "better, angel?"

Cas hummed a yes then pulled his front closer to Deans. They intertwined bodies and limbs before getting comfortable.

"Dean, you've got more cover than me" Cas grouched after a minute or so of suffering in silence.

"Hmwha arre you talkin abou', you'vve got loads" he slurred in tiredness.

"Just gimme more damn cover Dean, I'm exhausted" his voice built up in annoyance.

"No, I've got less than you baby" Dean pulled the sheet over his shoulder more, tugging at what little Cas did have.

"Dean, give it to me"

"I did. Last night" he chuckled.

"This isn't funny, Dean. I've got no shirt on now and I'm regretting it" Cas tried to get between Dean and the mattress or bed sheets but still had his cold back exposed.

"Put it back on yourself then" Dean knew he was being cheeky, but couldn't help it. He moved one finger between Castiels shoulder blades and down his spine.

Cas took in a deep breath and then pushed Dean back a bit "I'm going to have to fight you for these sheets, aren't I?" Cas propped up on his elbow before yanking across to get some covers.

"Yeah. But you won't win" Dean held his boyfriends arm tight enough so it couldn't move to get the sheets across both of them.

Instead, Cas noticed he could easily push the hunter off the bed from where he was, so he pushed him back until he was hovering over the edge.

"Cas! No please! Y-You can have your stupid sheets back"

"There we are. I think you'll find I am the superior being among us and so I deserve this comfort and therefore banish you from my bed if you continue to steal from me" Cas took the majority of bed sheets and huddled himself in them but pulled Dean back to him too.

"Don't get all commanding on me, angel" the snuggled back down together in relative comfort, Dean was still expecting to be kicked out.

"I'm not an angel anymore" Cas lay his head back on Deans chest, hugging him tight.

"You are to me"

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