I've Seen You (D-bunker)

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A/N these are getting shorter and shittier but, hey, it's Christmas and I'm entitled. It's been a long year

Dean slowly approached Cas' room with the burrito and beer in hand. Trying not to drop anything, he lightly used his knuckles against the door but couldn't hit loud enough without getting a smashed bottle on the floor. So he kind of kicked it.

"I don't think kicking the door down is an adequate way of getting in here. The door is open" Cas glumly said from the other side of the door.

"Cas, open up please, quickly! I've-I've got your food"

"Why didn't you say instead of kicking the door down or hanging around outside waiting for me to notice your presence?" Cas opened up and took the offerings, placing on the near table then looking back at a more relaxed Dean.

"Err...Cas" Dean looked down at the gap between Cas' robes that he'd forgotten to pull together.

"What, Dean?" he seemed oblivious to the fact he was completely naked apart from his dark blue gown.

"I did not need to know what you looked like naked today" even though Dean knew it was weird, he didn't tear his eyes away from the Angels body, especially his toned chest - that, he really didn't expect. Nor did he expect to be turned on.

"Oh...m-my apologies Dean" he pulled it together and covered himself up more "I hope that we're good enough friends to not make this uncomfortable. We're even now"

"Even!? You-You've seen me naked?! Cas what the-" he shuffled.

"Would you rather me leave you in hell? Would you rather wake up with no clothes in the middle of nowhere? It was a sacrifice but I thought we were more grown up than this, Dean?"

"I-It's just...wrong. I mean you did what you had to do, but-but seriously?"

"I'm sorry about that, but it was necessary"

"Don't worry then. Does that mean, you've seen Sam-" he was laughing but something like jealously boiled somewhere deep in him-he knew Sam had a more toned body than him, and, probably, given the choice, Cas would choose Sam over him.

"No, Sams body wasn't ripped to shreds and where he was...didn't require him to reclothe when he surfaced .... so no-there was no need to see Sam naked" Cas flinched at the horrible idea.

"WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME NAKED!?" Sam shouted, jogging toward the two.

"Cas was just saying how he's seen me stark so you know...and he hasn't seen you. But I've seen him-"

"You've seen Cas-"

"What do you think is underneath his robes?" The brothers exchanged looks, one of disgrace the other a smirk.

"Ew. Thanks Dean. I really didn't need to know that" Sam looked away, squinting then turning from the two "no looking at each other and comparing because I know what you do, Dean" he stuck two fingers up at his brother and went to his bedroom.

"W-What did he mean by compare our bodies?"

"I think he implies we're going to have the 'no-homo' girly and talk-it-out and body therapy shit then do the nasty because he thinks I've done it before"

Cas just stared with his blank but confused expression.

"Sex, Cas, he means sex and turning each other on"

"I'm-I'm not a switch Dean"

"I mean when you get aroused" Dean rolled his eyes.

"Oh. But w-why would I- we-" Cas shuffled, thinking back to Deans body and how he'd imagined it grinding against his.

"You know blushing and being horny suits you, Cas" Dean smirked, seeing the bulge begin behind the robe cloth.

"Shit, I apologise but I can't help this-" Cas moved his hands to cover himself but it really wasn't working so he stepped back into his room.

"I think you should be like that more often" he winked in a completely heterosexual and non-wanting to suck Cas off right there kind of way.

"Dean, stop teasing...I think I'm going to go now" Cas sighed, shutting the door.

"Cas, please. Let me help" Dean managed to only just stop the door from closing.

"Why would I let you?" Cas tilted his head, he was turning down Dean after all this time. He literally just did that.

"I don't know" it was Deans turn to blush.

"Exactly. You don't know what you're talking about" where did this come from? All the time he'd wanted Dean but never got anything back? Anger?

"I thought we had a thing. I was wrong" he turned away in embarrassment.

"Dean, wait" Cas grabbed Deans shoulder back "I had no idea you thought we had a 'thing'. I've wanted you, not realising I'm wanted back"

"Cas I love you. It's not just a want. It's a need. The best and worst feeling. I just thought it was a good opportunity to test that"

"You still can" Cas puppy eyed him before Dean showed his glimmer of hope and happiness back in his eyes again.

Dean slowly pushed Cas back through the door and locked it, pecking at Cas' lips the whole time and gently resting them both on the bed.

"I love you" he groaned.

"Don't doubt for a second I don't love you back"

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