Sometimes pt 1(Destiel teacher AU)

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First day, always the most nerve-racking, especially if you have no confidence with strangers and are incredibly awful at talking to people who aren't like you. You hear me?

"Hello? I'm Mr. Winchester" full of confidence, I strut into the school, like an idiot.

"Hello dear, you're the new one aren't you?" the happy-go-lucky receptionist sarcastic and patronising tone filled me with utter annoyance already.

"Yes, that's, urm, that's me"

"Here's your key card for your room in the morning and evening and for the staff only areas etcetera. And good luck"


I turn to the empty corridor and walk through to find my room, wherever the hell it is.

"Hello? You're Mr. Winchester, right?" I heard a deep-ish voice say from behind, making me stop in my tracks, turning to face the man.

"Yeah-Dean...and you are?" I looked him up and down, perfectly spiky hair, slightly messy and the piercing blue eyes that just make me feel safe.

Fuck he's gorgeous was all I could think of.

"Professor Novak, call me Castiel or whatever" he walked up to me

"Castiel, nice name" smooth going Dean, really good line there "Professor? Of what?"

"Physics and things" modest, gorgeous and clever, good for him "What do you teach?"

"Music, practical side of it though, easy enough to get through things" I said like I have the most boring job ever.

"Your room is near mine then, you're lost already" he laughed.

"You can tell?"

"I know the panicked lost puppy look, follow me"

"What's science and music departments doing next to each other?"

"Ask someone who hasn't been hiding away for two years and isn't socially awkward, also doesn't hate 3/4 of the staff" Castiel said as we walked around the corner and up some stairs.

"You don't get on with most of them then?"

"I prefer to be by myself and my computer. Shit that sounded shifty, didn't it?" we laughed together at his choice of words.

"Don't worry, I hear you. I do the same. Just me and music sometimes"

"Seriously? You look like you'd be with all the social conventions and women"

"I'm none of those things" well, shot I pretty much said I'm gay to a hot random guy I've just met, I couldn't help notice him being more relaxed as I used the card thingy to get into my room.

"I'll erm...I'll catch you around, Dean" he awkwardly smiled, walking to the room opposite and disappearing. I felt like shit making him feel awkward, probably scaring off my one chance at a good friend.

I leant against the door as I got in and slid down it, sitting on the floor, bashing my head back repeatedly.

"Fucking idiot" I half grinned to myself.


First half of the day went okay-one class for tech and tuning guitars by ear. As the lunch bell rang, there was a knock at the door.

"Mr. Winchester?" Castiel walked in on me strumming, perching on my desktop.

"Hey, Cas"


He seemed happy about the nickname though.

"How are you doing then Dean?" he leant up against the door post, one hand above his head against the frame and tilting his head slightly.

"Awesome thanks" I said breathily, the guy really did just take my breath away at his stance.

"First days are usually the shittiest so I wouldn't be surprised if you came into my classroom having a panic attack or something"

"Well if I do, I know where you are" I put my guitar down, sipping water as we held each others gaze for a significant amount of time.

He must've noticed because he snapped out quick enough, standing straight up and fixing his hair-running his hands through it "S-So I was wondering if erm... actually it doesn't matter"

" good morning or what?"

"Terrible, do you mind..." Cas gestured to close the door and sit next to me.

"Yeah, sure" I gulped, our legs brushing.

"There's a staff meeting tonight, just so you know" he looked down at the floor for a moment, slightly blushing for reasons unknown.

"Thanks, right. So, what do you do for fun round here then?" light conversation was never my strongest point, but this was my territory-'fun'.

"Nothing much, I mean there's the gym and Internet and work. That's pretty much summing up my life"

"There's more to you than that, surely?"

"Nope. I'm just a teacher"

"I'm calling bullshit on that one"

"Haha, charming, really. But I'm not very interesting"

"Say one more bad thing about yourself and I will-"

"There's nothing you can do that will make me feel anymore awkward or embarrass me more than I've already been so go ahead" he smiled like he hadn't smiled in a long time "You're new here and the nicest person I've come across in years, and I want to be friends or at least ally's, I'm not losing someone who has so much humanity and watch as they become corrupted by the schools teachers. Please, friends Dean. I'll buy you a drink after the meeting down the local bar and that's as social as I can get" he lightly chuckled and blushed even more.

"What are you talking about ally's? Sounds like war"

"Sometimes it feels like it"

"Hmm...well I'm sure I can find how interesting you really are tonight" cheesy line there from Dean the idiot.

He stared into the distance for a moment like he was confused.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I urm...oh nothing. Look I'm going to was nice talking-" he walked out backwards and bashed into a table, blushing even more. He put up one hand almost apologetically.

"I'll see you...around" I was left baffled by what just happened. He was cuter when he was awkward.

What was even better was that I could make him go all blushy and awkward, just earlier he was more assertive and controlling-like he knew what he was doing. Maybe talking to people alone about normal things wasn't his strong point. If he was going to be just friends Id need to start seeing him in a different light-not the sexy teacher that makes my feel like I've got a high school crush.

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