Delay (D AU)

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A/N there's gonna be a few more AUs coming up. I'm not apologising.

"Oh comeon, comeon. Come. On!" Dean whispered to himself, running through the shop at last minute flight buying for himself, duffle slung over his shoudler. He was out of breath and thinking that he was going to miss the flight, barging through too many people to apologise.

"Hey!" he shouted as he ran to the empty seating area, one attendant waiting around there. She snapped her head to him and tilted her head as got closer and stopped. "Am I late? Did-Did I miss the flight?"

"No. I'm sorry sir, the flight has been delayed" she shook her head.

"By how long though?" he was desperate and wide-eyed.

" the moment it's a bit difficult to say but more than five hours"

"Five hours! I've got a meeting in less than 10! Is there no more taking off to Kansas by then?"

"I'm afraid not"

"Shit" he held his head and turned around a little. "Thanks, thank you for the...erm, info" he walked away from the gate not knowing where to go. It was already late and he was shattered. All he wanted to do was sleep.

"Are you okay?" Dean heard a quite deep voice behind he ask.

He turned to one empty corridor along the main row of gates. One man was sitting down against the wall and side facing to Dean, his dark brown hair was all messed up and his tan trench coat draped around him, hanging loosely from his body. Dean approached the guy, looking around at the emptiness of everywhere else and realised it was just the two of them.

"Well I'm tired" he sarcastically smiled "Were you scheduled for the Kansas plane?"

"Unfortunately" he blandly replied bringing his legs to cross them and tilted his neck back against the tiled wall. "Would you... care to join me?"

At first Dean hesitated, still standing up above the man, but gave in a sighed, sliding against the wall and next to him, thumping his bag down. "I'm Dean. I thought you might want to know"

"Castiel" the man shrugged his coat off and folded it next to him, weakly smiling at Dean.

Dean shuffled closer to...Castiel. Then he looked over his body, the fairly tight dark blue jeans and crisp white shirt now crumpled and messily worn on him. His neck looked enticing, his Adams' prominent as he took a gulp of water, Dean just stared at his blue eyes and the beauty before him. What Dean didn't notice was that he was side staring at the poor guy for about a minute.

Castiel slowly turned his upper body to face him and tilted his head, screwing the lid back on his bottle. "Do we know each other?"

Dean blinked hard and shook his head, probably blushing horribly as his mouth remained agape slightly. "N-No sorry for staring. It's not every day I get to sit next to an attractive stranger"

Damn those words Dean mentally attacked himself; but Castiel seemed to take this compliment very well and half smiled, blushing a little and looking into his lap while twiddling his fingers. "Thank you...I-I suppose. So you get on flights often?"

"Erm, no. I'm...not a keen flyer really" Dean nervously bit his bottom lip, turning completely around to face the man and lean against the wall.

"Scared? Don't worry, it's fine. I wasn't too keen at first but... I don't know, I enjoy it now" Cas twisted to face Dean too, resting his head also on the wall and sympathetically smiling "It gets better the more you do it"

"So you fly a lot?" Dean followed with a little yawn.

"Recently yeah. My siblings are scattered around the globe and I've got the money and time now" he shrugged.

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