FFMA pt. 6 (Destiel)

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A/N I really have no idea why it's this long...it deserves the right ending though so yeah x

"Morning sunshine" Dean muttered into Cas' ear, wrapping his arms around Castiels waist.

"How long have you been spooning me for?" Cas laughed, holding onto Deans arms and pulling himself closer.

"Long enough. Good night sleep my angel?"

"Very. And you?" Cas turned his head.

"Better now I can be with you" they connected lips, lazily smiling as Cas turned to face Dean, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

"Jude is back today. We should clean up a bit after...you know" Dean remembered.

"Yeah, okay. Breakfast?"

"Can I, if it's not too much to ask, start bringing some stuff like clothes over?"

"Yeah sure, I'd love that" Cas pecked Deans lips before getting up and pulling on some loose clothing before starting breakfast.

"You look beautiful" Dean came into the kitchen watching Cas make pancakes.

Castiel looked quickly up from the pan then back down, then slowly back up again taking in every detail of his boyfriend in the mornings. He could get used to that sexy sight. Well, he would now they're together.

"Here, breakfast is served" Cas handed Dean a plate and additives.

"Thanks babe" Dean winked before tucking in.
After spending at least an hour packing away any clothes and personal extras from Deans house, the couple packed away all the belongings at Cas' house making it feel more like home for Dean.

"Thanks for...you know, helping me with everything. I think I'm gonna like it here" Dean turned to Cas after finally putting away the last item of Deans album collection.

"Really?" Cas held Deans waist and pulled him close.

"Hmm, especially with such an amazing boyfriend to come home to" Dean hummed against Cas' ear.

"Who's that then?" Cas teased back.

"Oh, just some very handsome guy I happened to meet at my job one day"

"You should've slept with him then" Castiel whispered, brushing his lips over Deans.

Dean was the one to connect their lips together, full of love and peace. They teased at each others lips for a moment when they heard a desperate knock at the door. Dean went over to get it, holding Castiels hand at the same time.

"Hey you bastards. Thanks for telling me about your secret relationship" Jude smirked, pushing past between the two men and dumping her bag on the couch.

"Hey...urm Jude. We have some things to discuss"

"Great. Let's do it over lunch then-I'm starving" she effortlessly swooped into the kitchen and got herself a smoothie before slumping on the chair opposite Dean and Cas who were on the couch, nervous for some reason.

"Jude...me and Dean...its just...if it's not too abrupt or sudden-he's urm moving in gradually and we are...boyfriends if you like and..."

"And I love him" Dean said trying not to make Cas' weird speech any more awkward for anyone.

"Good. Don't mess it up. Don't screw with him and don't fuck with his heart you hear me" Jude recklessly ordered leaving Dean and Cas looking like rabbits in the headlights.

"T-Trust me, I won't" Dean replied.

"Also I have rules" she quickly said, Cas rolled his eyes and looked across at Dean mouthing the words 'sorry'.

"Yeah, what are they then?"

"Don't have sex when you know I can hear or see you, don't be too loud either, limited lovey-Dovey crap and genuinely love each other for the rest of all eternity"

"Thanks then...I guess" Dean sighed in relief.

"Thanks Jude, for understanding" Cas said proudly.

"Love you daddy. And Dean...I suppose you're gonna become part of the family" Jude went in and hugged both.
It'd been 6 months. Dean and Cas were living very happily together, they were going around the world sometimes, or just home in the bliss of their life. But now it was different. Now was the day shit could go one way or another.

"Jude-I need your help" Dean trembled, fumbling around in his pockets and shuffling, keeping on edge.

"Yeah? What?" she tilted her head.

"I need you to get me and Cas in a situation where we're alone near our lake...please"

"Why? I'll do it but what's going on?"

"I need to tell him something-ask him actually"

"Are you-"


Dean, Cas and their daughter pulled up to the lake, their normal spot and Dean was making final adjustments.

"Hey I'm gonna go find signal on this phone, I'll be down the track, back in a bit you guys" Jude said, running off.

Dean and Cas sat on the impala, half hugging and snuggling into each other for warmth. After a minute or so of the peace Dean got up and walked near to the place he first pushed in Cas to the water.

"You alright?" Cas said worryingly, waking up behind him.

"I'm amazing" Dean turned back to Cas "we've know each other for a while now. Long enough to know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we can last, because when I'm with you I'm happy. I'm in love and I've got the family I've always wanted. I love you Castiel Novak, but with your permission...I'd like it to be Castiel Winchester" Dean smiled, getting down on one knee onto the slightly muddy flooring of nature. Cas stood back a bit, gasping at what was happening, wiping a tear away and slightly blushing. "Castiel, baby...will you marry me?" Dean got out the ring and held it up.

"God Dean. Seriously? You're-you're actually asking...I can't even..." Cas sniffled a bit then knelt down in front of Dean, putting his hands over his boyfriends.

"You don't need to" Dean whispered as he began crying with happiness "just answer the damn question, my knees hurt" they both laughed.

"Yes then. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you too" Cas took the ring in excitement, putting it on and crashing his lips with Deans like a hyper puppy. They stayed like that for minutes, just slowly kissing and letting it sink into their minds what was going on.

"I love you" they said in a confused unison together, both then chucking at the reality.

"Can I invite my friends!?" Jude said from a distance then running into her dads, all embracing tightly on the lakeside.

A/N well ain't that cute. yeah. SOZ bout the middley-ending but I'm so tired hahahahaha

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