Airdrop (xmas AU)

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A/N I have no idea really what to do for following chapters about the Chrismassy season so maybe more AUs and then I'll make up some random drabbles (like the cliché of mistletoe). This is a bit weird, like an entire friggin story...enjoy

"Ash, can I get the strongest coffee you got?" Dean slumped on the counter in the almost empty Starbucks, freezing from the New York February.

"And good morning to you too Dean" Ash smiled, going back to make his brew "late night or just early morning?"

"Both. Gah, I hate it" he ended up mumbling and letting the morning tiredness take him. It's was a week before he could have the holidays but with all this work suddenly dumped on him, Dean wasn't sure he'd even get Christmas.

"You working in here today then?" Ash shouted from going out the back.

"Yeah, I've got Sammy's laptop, I'll be doing the business write up in here all day. Fun, fun, fun" Dean sarcastically grumbled, putting the majority of his body weight on the counter now and still forcing open his eyes.

"I'll keep an eye on you then Dean-o" he laughed, walking back over with the cup and extra sugar poured into it.

"Cheers, Ash. Wish me luck" Dean stumbled away, leaving the money on the counter then heading up to the quiet of Starbucks upstairs.

For about an hour he was sat at a table with a comfy chair and everything was going fine-sort of.

One line written.

"Oh shit" he murmured before knuckling down to the work.

He was soon joined, but he didn't really take any notice. The man sat a couple of tables in front with his own laptop and charger, typing away. The two gave a mutual nod to each other before going back to work.

After about an hour, he got a message via his airdrop.

Reluctantly but with curiosity, Dean opened the Word file.

Do you want another coffee? With a picture of an empty coffee cup.

Dean peered into the screen further, making out the writing then smiling at it.

He looked around for people on airdrop near him then found the sender: Angel_Of_The_Lord

Immediately Dean sent a Word doc back: Urm...yeah, thanks...Frappuccino

He sent it back to the mysterious sender, waiting for anything to happen.

"Dean, did you just get bought a Frappuccino?" Ash came up the stairs with it in hand. Dean looked up in surprise.

"Y-Yeah, well...I suppose" he took it, with astonishment in a smile, from Ash and slunk back his work, newly energised.

I saw you got it then Dean got a new message.

Yes, thank you very much he sent back quickly. Then he thought that the only other person in the room with him who could've possible seen him get the Frap was in fact the guy opposite him, furiously typing away still, no expression.

Dean continued peering around his screen then sat back, the guy opposite smirked as he poked his head above his laptop.

They continued checking on each other over the rest of the day, with so much confusion but enticement filling Dean.

It was until 3.30pm that he realised that he needed to in fact get home, to his apartment, leaving the hot co-worker for the day. Somehow he knew they'd meet again.

Without another word Dean left, said bye to Ash and headed home, wrapping himself up in the bitter weather from the outskirts.
The next day Dean did exactly the same again, snuggling into his spot and continuing to work on his reports. His thoughts wondered back to the man yesterday. Maybe he was just trying to be nice?

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