Don't Turn From Me 2

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A/N it's not really complete (don't ask why I published it) so I WILL come back to it and add etc so wait a couple of days and I will just get rid of all this and it'll be complete then so yeah. If you only want to read it when it's not complete check up later.

Dean didn't awake until late the next day, which meant they couldn't really go anywhere. Not that any of them were in the mood.

When he did, he was covered in the trench coat and the sheets were at his feet.

"Cas? Sam?" He grumbled, sitting up in bed and looking around.

"Dean. We're here" Cas and Sammy walked through, arms folded and towering over him and annoyed expressions.

"What? What did I do this time?" Dean shrugged off the trench coat and furrowed his brow. "I'm not apologising for what I did last night. I pushed you away at first but I'm sorry, Cas. And now I realise that was stupid so I was hoping to start again. So what could you possibly have against me now?"

"Nothing. Really...We just wanted to see what you would say if we were angry" Sam relaxed his arms.

"Ha ha. That was freaking genius guys, thanks for making me have a panic attack"

"Unless you are hiding something from us" Cas took his blazer off and sat cross legged on the bed, hands in the 'Sherlock' position.

"No, Cas. Don't-" Sam got cut off.


"Don't? Don't what!?" Dean pulled his brow together with open eyes.

"Look, it's none of my business so I'll be packing up" Sam backed and waved a little to the two and shut the door.

"Cas, what's going on?" Dean whispered.

"I think you know" he gave a dark glare to him.

"No! None of his business?-I'm confused as hell"

"Then I-I can't tell you"


"The less you know, the better"

"Cas! Tell. Me. Now" Dean grabbed ahold of the Angels shoulder.

Cas sighed and shuffled over closer to Dean "All I'm going to say is it's to do with you and probably the woman in white"

"W-What about me and 'probably' the hell bitch princess?"

Cas just looked at him, not moving, barely breathing.

"You know what, fuck this. I'm going to find out for myself" Dean shoved Cas out the way and pulled on some clothes.

"I wouldn't recommend it Dean. Especially after last night"

"Yeah, well I can make my own decisions without you Cas..." Dean drew open the curtains and froze, wide eyes and thumping heart.

"I told you to stay out. Don't interfere" Cas snarkily said, joining Dean at the window.

"Baby?!" He looked at his smashed up Impala with all windows shattered, spray paint on the ground saying 'Dean Faithful Angel Kiss Tonight'

"What the fuck does that mean?" He felt tears brewing in his eyelids.

"I was hoping you would expand"

"And you thought I did this!?" He turned to Cas in disgust, lip quivering.

"You could've been drinking, I was unsure"

"My baby! Let me through!" Dean barged his way to the door.

"Dean you can't! I'll repair it, like I can do quickly" Cas growled as he appeared in front of the door to block Dean from leaving.

"You can fix her up? Now Cas! What are you waiting for?"

Cas hovered in front of him for a moment, letting his eyes wonder to his lips."I'll let you dwell on the meaning of what is written, I hope you can make more sense of it than I can" He hesitantly walked out the door and began 'healing' baby.

Dean worridly looked out to see how Cas handled it and rubbed his hands over his eyes, then thought about the words.

I mean, what in the hell could they resemble? Kiss. Angel...Tonight? Did Dean need to kiss Cas again to get the bitch off his tail. And then gank her obviously.

So maybe that was show he was going to be faithful?

Well he could kiss Cas while setting alight her grave. Multitasking!!! And it wouldn't be a bad day either.

Dean snapped from his gaze back to see Cas smugly looking at the finished car and walked back in.

"I trust you've found the meaning of what she's written" Cas began, huffing out a breath and dreamily looking out the window "It's a strange case, I've never seen one write a warning or how to help"

"'Maybe it wasn't her? Maybe i-it was the guys she killed warning me. I don't know"

"Sam has found the grave. Her name was Carrie Bezant"

"So he's burned her?"

Cas frowned, looking down at his feet "No bones. Just the stone"

"We don't know what's keeping her here?!"

"Sam is onto that" he tried to reassure Dean.

They stopped breathing for a split second, staring into each others eyes and the world around them was spinning.

Dean gulped away what little heterosexuality he had left and held onto Cas' hand "So what can we do?"

"We can wait"


Asdfghjkl I'm going to add more like I said...just wait

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