FFMA pt.3 (Destiel AU)

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-still Friday-


"Urmm...Cas what are you doing here so early? It's like 15 minutes before the kids come yet" Dean briskly turned around, blushing and shaking a lot. Cas had heard him.

"I just thought I'd come here early that's all, like if you needed any help or...anything" Cas lingered in the door way awkwardly after hearing Deans rant, also feeling like crap knowing it probably wasn't him Dean was talking about.

"Y-Yeah thanks Cas" Dean stood stiff still for a moment just staring at each other "we need to set up for a game. We have one at the end of every term so just move the punchbags and spare big comfy matts and spread them out around the place for the kids to move and jump around I avoid being hit. It's like dodgeball"

"Oh okay. Glad to be of assistance" Cas felt awkward around Dean after the shower earlier but tried not to think about it or act off.
The kids started arriving and soon the 'lesson' was underway.

"Jude, try not to push others off the matts" Dean called to her.

"Whatever!" she shouted back amongst the hustle of the game.

"Cas can you go get my drink for me?"
Dean said to Castiel who was right next to him directing and helping through the game.

"Sure" he went away quickly. When he was gone Jude got hit and was out, sauntering towards Dean.

"Where are you off to tonight? And why are you so desperate to get me and your dad to spend as much time as possible together?"

"You're special as dad never talks to anyone, not since Ben so if he's with you, he's happy and opens up. He misses you at home, I can see it" Jude smiled, looking up to Dean who wore a confused look "I'm at a friends house so you do your men stuff away from me"

"We are just friends you know. Nothing more. He's my best friend, and over the past couple of weeks he's been better than anyone else"

"Lies. I can see your lurrvyyy eyes at him. Your choice though. Just don't leave him alone. At least be his best friend forever. He deserves it"
Dean felt his heart sink, feeling the urge to hug Jude and Cas: like a family.

"Here Dean-" Cas held the bottle only for Dean to turn to him and hold his shoulder "are you okay?"

"Never better" Dean looked longingly into Cas' eyes, slowly letting go of his shoulder and taking his water, gulping it down completely.

"Swap sides now, Jude's team attack" Dean commanded, walking to help reset the arena.
"See you in a couple of weeks, enjoy the holidays and stay safe guys" Dean called to the class as they walked out, he got a few replies.

"Jude you be careful, I'll see you Sunday" Castiel called to his daughter as she left.

"Sunday?" Dean asked.

"Urm yeah...they live a couple hours away where we used to live so I figured they could spend a couple more days together"

"Can you help tidy and then we can do the...thing okay?" Dean said once they were the only two left in the room.
They both put the spare matts and balls etc away then walked to the counter.

"Here's some gloves, the thin ones for the match" Dean have Cas some gloves like ones in bike racing.

"Thanks" Castiel smiled "do you mind if I do this topless, I-I didn't exactly being another shirt and this one is crap for wresting"

"Yeah, sure thing Cas" Dean smirked, looking at himself if he looked okay. He gulped as he saw Castiels muscles exposed and slightly shining, afraid he couldn't hold back his will to touch him.

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