How to kiss (Destiel)

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A/N prompts welcome! I've only done destiel so far and it's annoying to me that there's not much Phan or johnlock prompts so I'll just have to start doing something else with them??? I dunno...

(Dean is hanging around with Cas for a while when apart from Sammy)

"I'm so bored" Cas moaned to Dean as they lay on their separate beds of the motel staring up at the ceiling.

"You would say that because you've been in here for the past couple of days" Dean replied.

"What do you do when you're bored?" Cas was mindlessly asking random-ass questions that annoyed Dean.

"Normally go to a club and pick someone up" he laughed a bit getting silence from Cas. "just a joke Cas"

"Apart from that"

"You could shave? I know you're bored I'm just suggesting things although I think you should keep that look going you know" Dean said, Cas looking confused but flattered back at Dean who sighed "Hang around with you normally" he sat up and switched on the TV.

"Nothing is going to be on Dean. There never is anything good and there never will be" Cas sat up and stared at the TV while it loaded.

"You don't know that" Dean turned his head to Cas, sharing a glance then looking back at the TV.

As soon as it switched on two men making passionately out came on. They began taking each others clothes off.

Cas leaned into the TV wanting to find out more but it just made Dean uncomfortable since its been raised to his attention many times that possibly Cas loves him. In that way.

"How do you do that?" Cas said after a while of watching the men still kiss.

"Do what? Kiss?"

"Yeah...I suppose"

"It's comes naturally I suppose. Like when you first properly kiss, you discover" Dean was confused at what even he was saying but continued "and get into a natural...thing" then he shrugged.

"Well I've got that to come" Cas sounded like he's missed out on so much, depressive even.

"You've not even kissed someone?" Dean was not believing what he was hearing.

Cas shuffled awkwardly "no. Not yet...but I will...hopefully"

Dean lay back on his bed and rolled over in disbelief and trying to hold laughs in. He slowly sat back up again though. Cas stared at the hunter looking confused but shrugged it off and went back to TV.

"They've been at it a long time"

"Yeah, well...I suspect they're gonna do something else in a second so before they do I think it's best we change channels" Dean switched over just as the jeans were coming off the men.

"Are you serious one?" Dean was still dumbfounded.

"Yes. I'm serious. Would you like a beer?" Cas obviously wanted to ignore the subject.

"Er...yeah may as well"

Castiel walked over to the cooler sighing and got out one for him and Dean then walked back but stopped suddenly.

Dean stood right in front of him. How had Cas not sensed he's moved there? Dean backed Cas against the table and stopped only a very small distance away from each other.

"I still can't actually believe it though" Dean said casually, slowly putting his hand over Castiels and taking both beers im from his grasp and putting them on the table.

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