FFMA pt.2 (Destiel AU)

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Dean wiped the sweat off his forehead after using the punchbags to their full usefulness with Castiel for the past hour.

"I think that's more than enough for today" Dean laughed, chugging down his water.

"Thanks again, it's great just doing this every so often. I like to just forget about life for a while. Everything that happened, or will-forgotten" Cas walked over to the desk and put on his jacket.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" Dean said, immediately making an awkward atmosphere and killing it almost.

"Umm...I don't know" Castiels gruff voice came through.

"I-I'm sorry for brining it up. Can we sit and chat though. I don't exactly socialise and I just...never mind" he felt a red flush appear on his cheeks.

"No Dean I'd love to talk if you want. You're the closest thing I have to a friend right now and I could do with some more time with you"

"Fine then. Drink? Energy bar of whatever. I've got loads from the gym shop so help yourself"

"I'm okay thanks, I'll just text Jude to see if she's alright. We only live a minute away so if she's in trouble she'll come here"

"Fine whatever, man" Dean got up from the reception and sat opposite Cas on some table "So what's your story?" Dean said.

Cas looked up from his phone and put his head on his hand and elbow.

"Story? I'm not exactly made of fairy tale shit you know" he smirked.

"Tell me from beginning. Family, houses, friends, affairs? Deep stuff if you like I don't care" Dean was prepared to talk like this to a man he'd met like 2 weeks ago.

"Why are you so interested in me? Im no one special, not to anyone. I'm just some guy with a flat, a daughter and two jobs"

"You're already interesting"

"Fine. But I'm not happy about it"

"You're tough to get through"

"I prefer not to speak to any old person about this"

"I'm not though, am I? I want to know about you now why is that so hard to believe?"

Cas took a deep breath "I come from Austin and I lost my virginity in a pizza van aged 16"

Dean spat out his water from his mouth to the side of him, laughing so much, more than he'd ever laughed before. Cas gave him a distasteful look.

"I that's it really. It gets boring after that"

"I don't believe you for one second"

Cas sighed before smiling again "I had three brothers and a sister so a very big family but I wanted out ASAP after my family found out I was bisexual. My brother slash best friend Gabriel helped me move away and that was the last time I saw my blood. I adopted Jude when she was 3, I was with someone at the time and they thought it'd be funny to get her. I soon broke up with him, the dickhead. I was left with Jude and debt so we've been around a bit before I came into some money from my uncle. Enough go get me a flat here and afford stuff, we can now be a family. I work as I doctor down at the hospital and now self defence with you. I told you it was boring"

"You're life is so colourful though, but you can't see?" Dean leaned forward, closer to the beautiful blue eyes before him.

"I suppose tragedy has kinda messed me up a bit"


"The first relationship I got cheated on and the second and latest I ended up with a daughter and dead brothers and friends so I'm not exactly Mr Apple-pie life" Cas huffed.

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