Sometimes pt3(D)

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After my shower and getting dressed properly I came back in to see Cas silently crying, tears trickling down his beautiful face but no noise.

"Fuck Balthazar, he's a moron and he will never be good enough for you" I wiped through my damp hair and sat next to him, debating wether or not to put my arm around him.

"I don't take words lightly, Dean"

"That's why I'm going to look after you" cheesy line Dean.

"No, you don't need to"

"Yes, I have too...I want you-to I meant to!" I blushed at that crap recovery "lets just watch something, you can sleep on my bed tonight, I'll sleep here"

"You don't need to-"

"I want to" I sternly said, moving closer to him and holding his shoulders so we could look each other in the eyes "you can go wash up, you can wear whatever you like from my drawers if you want and we'll get pizza and put on a cheesy movie, enjoy ourselves and relax okay?...but it'll be okay. You're safe"

"I'll just erm...I'll go and..." Cas' breathing heavied as we stared longer at each other.

"Yeah okay" I let him go, and showed him my room and everything then relaxed on the couch with the TV on. It came onto a film about chick-flicky love.

Couple of minuets later Cas came through with one of my shirts on that was rather tight around his toned torso but a towel hung loosely around his hips.

"Hey, sorry to ask but do you have any spare shorts, I-I can't find any"

"Yeah of course" I gulped as I saw his abdomen show a little, then got up and followed him into the room.

He slipped off the towel using it to run through his hair, it covered the place I wanted to see most when it hung from his hands. I got him the shorts, trying hard not to just stare at him while he changed.

"Thank you Dean" he turned to face me.

"N-No problem, any time, I mean it. And erm...Food is on its way" I sympathetically smiled at him.

We sat on the couch, both cross-legged sitting and falling back against the pillows.

"What's this movie?"Cas said after a couple of minutes.

"Some thing about the two guys at high school and not really knowing each other and years later they meet at a bar and fall in love and stuff happens"

"So you've watched it before?"

"No I've just got it off the guide" I said with confidence, Cas laughed at my statement.

Just as we were mid-eating pizza, the scene where both men have sex came up, it was hot, they stripped their shirts off against a wall and planed kisses down the others body. And que sex montage. Cas shuffled a bit, cocked his head and moved his arm across the back off the chair, tilting his head back so I relished the sight of his beautiful neck. I grunted slightly, realising I could just turn my head a little to the side and kiss up it.

After a moment he moved so his body slowly descended on my legs. My breath hitched, heart beat quickened. I could see him closing his eyes as he rested against me. Reluctantly I let my hand brush through his damp hair.

The film soon ended and I tuned to the sleeping man on my lap. He looked so peaceful it was beautiful, so I realised the only way I could get him comfortable again was to carry him to my bed and stay with him.

I did just that, he wasn't too heavy and not disturbing him was a difficult task but I got him under the covers and lay beside him in the dark, falling asleep to his breathing.

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