Thinking out loud (AU)

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"Dean!" Cas shouted over the loud music playing on stage above them.

In their five years of working on this award ceremony they'd never had to run around under the stage to get from A to B. Wearing tight suits and crouching down to avoid air ducts was the worst part of it all, but they did what was necessary. After all, the show must go on.

"Yeah Cassie?" He winked at Cas, turning around while scuttling through with the camera crew.

"Dean, I-I need to talk after" it was becoming increasingly intolerable having the terrible racket booming above their heads and Castiel really needed to tell Dean something.

Dean looked very confused as he was picking up pace, pulling on Cas' arm for him to catch up, "You need a walk? Cas we're on air for the last part of tonight in like a minute!"

"No; uh- Never mind" Cas laughed, Dean fake smiled and brought his eyebrows together.


"I said NEVER MIND" Cas shouted but was fearful that the mics on stage could pick it up but he still wore a cheeky grin.

Once they reached the other side, the crew ran up to the lobby where their next intro to a song was going to take place. It was dark blue and purple scheme going on, the couch looked hard and uncomfortable but there was plenty of pillows on the red 'L' shaped sofa.

"Cas, you ready?" The cameraman said, waiting for the duo to sort themselves out.

Everyone was set up, Dean held their queue cards and sat up straight with Cas next to him. This was not the first time they'd had to quickly compose themselves... after being caught almost making out on set a few years ago. It was a maybe kiss ... one that should've almost yes and the biggest regret of Dean's life was not continuing on leaning in. And it was immediately awkward afterwards when they were so fucking close. They even got the tweet trending.

"Cas, sort your tie out goddamn it" Dean fussed over his dark blue tie and tried to sort it out a little.

Cas slapped his hand away as they were given the 5 second signal. The lights were dimming, the last song on stage had finished and they were up live next.

"And we're goin' live in 3, 2, 1" the director said and suddenly the nations eyes were on them.

"What an excellent performance there from Britney Spears" Dean began, his smile to his eyes from both cheeks was becoming more and more fake, not that anyone else knew. Only Cas could spot this kind of thing, even though fangirls swooned over him thinking this was the real deal. God no, that was for Cas' eyes only.

Cas slightly turned his head from the camera to look at Dean and carry on what the script said, "Yes indeed, that song hit our charts hours after release on the co-op album"

"Speaking of co-ops, we have been nominated for the TV duo for the third year, even though most still think we're a... couple" Dean tensed, Cas could feel it. They knew the problem and they knew a relationship was the worst thing to have after so many years of friendship in this career. But that is what Cas wanted.

", we're not. But you can vote for us as friends on the website appearing below on screen" Cas pointed down.

"And now we have Ed Sheerans hit song, reaching number 1 in the UK charts for four weeks, a top 20 in several other countries, we have this love song, 'Thinking Out Loud'" he grinned until the blue light appeared on the camera mirror came on.

"Great, well done guys, relax for four minutes" Sam, the director, shouted out. He was smirking when Dean mentioned them not being a couple because it had been the viewers interest that they were together and he really thought their chemistry was more than just on screen. ("You guys are totally together, aren't you?"..."No!"..."What's that? Horton hears a BITCH ASS LIAR!")

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