It was Gabriel (Idk)

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--Cas' POV--

It was so hot in my bed, too warm to be normal. The heating was never up this high and I'm sure my body would never produce this amount of heat. Especailly as I had no clothes on.

Oh shit. I had no clothes on.

My eyes fluttered open in the dusty morning light as I slept on my side, one arm huddling the pillow. Before me was Dean Winchester, asleep facing the ceiling, bare chest with the sheets above his abdomen and slightly stirring.

Now there are many reasons why Dean would sleep next to me, none of which fit reasoning at this moment though.

He turned on his side to face me, eyes still closed and nose so close to my face. I gulped and stared wide-eyed, not knowing what to do, how he'd react.

Then I felt another heat, behind my back, an arm snaked around my hips and resting casually there. From what I could see the hand was big, muscular and familiar. I didn't want to wake Dean or whoever was behind me but I was so frightened of who it actually was to give a crap.

Dean groaned and shuffled more into the pillow, moving one leg up and brushed against mine. He was so close and at peace I felt like I should not disturb him. Dean the beautiful human.

I slowly turned, little by little until I faced the ceiling, feeling the arm wrap further around me. I didn't open my eyes in fear of who lay next to me. But I did.

I harshly whispered in surprise in his ear "Sam?"

He looked disgruntled as he met eyes with the blue of mine then shuffled his body back.

"Cas what the hell!" He shrieked. Of course he could see me properly now and jumped backwards enough to fall off the bed, thumping heavily on the floor and dragging the bed sheets with him.

"Cas! What-What's going on!"?" Dean cried in confusion, slipping off the bed in full nakedness, obviously not noticing.

It left me to grab the pillow to cover what little dignity I had left. Sam covered himself with all the sheets and Dean just stood there staring between me and his brother.

I was still bemused by the entire situation, clinging to the back of the bed and wall and hugging the pillow.

"Dean-please cover yourself up" Sam said in disgust, blinking hard.

"Oh shit, yeah, sorry" he grabbed his boxers that were strewn on the floor and put them on quickly. I couldn't help but eye up his perfectly toned features while he did so, but he didn't seem to notice. If he did, he didn't mind.

"Decent?" Sam squinted still, clinging to the wall.

"Yeah...enough so" he wiped sweat off his forehead.

We all just looked at each other ominously before Sam spoke.

"I think we need a clear explanation. Does anyone remember anything?"

Me and Dean shook our heads in shame, racking our brains to remember something.

"Any ideas as to how we ended up together. In bed. Naked?" Dean nervously asked.

"I have no idea. I think it's best if we forget this ever happened" Sam shuffled on his feet.

"Arghh!" I winced as my head pounded. Images of the previous night flashed in my mind as I held my head tight.

"Cas. Cas, what is it!?" Dean crawled across the bed to be, holding my back. Sam moved forward in concern.

I panted as the throbbing in my head stopped, shakenly looking up at Dean.

I whispered to him "I remember"

The brothers exchanged fearful looks before sitting on the bed properly, awaiting me to expand.

"First of all...Gabriel. He-He behind some of it"

"I knew the sneaky sonuvabitch would have something to do with it" Dean sighed, crossing his legs "what did he do?"

"I'm sure you do not want any further explanation of the evening. I believe that's enough-" I was about to get up when both brothers held one shoulder back down again, stopping me from moving.

"Tell. Us. Everything" Sam sternly looked at me.

I took a deep breath before continuing "Gabriel locked us in here, using his 'angel mojo', as you would put it, to get us aroused. All in the same room. We waited to get free or be...relieved or 'die down' but nothing worked. I-I think it was me that couldn't take it"

"Take what? Being...hard?" Sam tilted his head while Dean scoffed in the background.

"Yes. I just needed to do something, as it know I don't know how. showed me as Sam indulged alcohol. And things...escalated from there"

"Fuck. Me and Sam...did it? That's Why the hell-even if I was drunk I wouldn't even do that. The dude isn't even hot. I mean, I understand you Cas, but...are you sure you're remembering correctly!?" Dean almost shouted at himself, grumbling the words and not making eye contact with his brother.

I nodded slowly, overthinking about what Dean said about finding my vessel attractive.

"I-I don't think I can ever see you again Dean" Sam rubbed his eyes, heading toward the door.

"Wait!" Me an Dean shouted.

"What? I just slept with you both, what could you possibly want from me now?"

"Don't go. Pretend this whole thing never happened" I said.

"That's not going to happen" Sam hung his head.

"You two don't even remember so-"

"Nope. I can't forget"

"Bingo!" Gabriel's voice rang through the motel room as we turned to the corner of it.

"Gabriel!" Dean stood up, going to swing at him.

"Ah ah ah ah ahh...not going to happen" Gabriel stopped him, smirking and folding his arms. "Dean...I think you remember, or are at least beginning to. Same goes for Sammy too. And I think you both...enjoyed it"

"Shut up-"

"I'm just nudging you in the right direction" Gabriel clicked his fingers, all of us immediately feeling hard again, like he did last night.

We groaned, angrily looking down at ourselves before giving Gabriel a Sam signature 'bitch face'.

"Have fun. See you tomorrow!" he cheerily waved and disappeared leaving us horny and annoyed.

Dean grabbed his brothers wrist and led him to the bed, winking at me " wouldn't hurt to do it again. This time we can remember it though..."

A/N you read it anyway you little shit bWhat have I done...seriously though. I have never felt so dirty. But wowza I'm creeped out at what my mind thinks of...this was based on an actual like wtf brain.

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