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This is a sneak peak of that really long Fic that's gonna be publish BY summer hopefully. It's just difficult balancing everything:

(Just found each other (long story) In a hotel, London, England, Earth)

Cas woke up with his thick, fabric clad legs tangled around Dean's jean covered ones. All outstretched across the cream, crumpled sheets and side facing each other. He observed the way Dean had wrapped his hands over his shoulder and clawed at the covers, his breathing was light and features relaxed.

"Cas I know you're awake, stop looking at my body while I sleep. It's just creepy" he mumbled.

Castiel quickly sat back up against the headboard in surprise and shock. Dean snuggled up onto his lap and rest his head there, Cas running his hands through Dean's porcupine hair. "I apologise. I-It won't happen again"

"It's fine, cute even, just don't let me catch you" Dean put both hands behind his head but rested then at the side of Cas' ass.

"You had your eyes closed!" Cas giggles, lightly punching Dean's shoulder and leaning over so their tired eyes could meet, even if their faces were upside down.

"I'm batman"

"Yeah, sure" Cas went for Dean's lips and awkwardly changed the angle, drawing out his lips when he pulled away.

"Let's not try kiss like that again"

"Yes...sorry about that. I didn't really know..." Cas stuttered, blushing. But Dean turned around, his face still near Cas' crotch and looked up with puppy eyes. Then used his hands to support lifting his upper body up, trailing his nose up the centre of Castiels body until he got to his neck and kissing there.

"Cas, relax, don't panic. It was nice, just a little awkward" Dean tried to comfort a scared Cas, nuzzling into the crook of his neck and moving to straddle his lap.

"This still feels a little off" Cas rest his hands on Dean's hips, sitting up straighter.

"I know. But if you want to be with me, we'll work something out" Dean cupped his jaw and lifted his face to look into the blue irises, smiling and leaning in for another kiss. This was more passionate than the first two, Dean held Cas' face tighter and closer and both drew out longer sucks and nibbles on the others lips. They rocked gently on the bed, the headboard dully knocking against the wall but they continued threading hair between their fingers and occasionally whimpering into the kiss.

Dean then opened his mouth a little, trailing his tongue along Cas' lower lip only to get an open mouthed kiss back, more erotically making out. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, touching the others clothed body and bringing each other closer and taking sharp breaths through their nose to compensate for the kiss blocking their main air supply.

Dean made the kiss slowly come to a stop and drew back, smiling with their combined saliva thinly coating his lips and placed his forehead against Cas'.

"Well that was fucking amazing, Cas" Dean ran his hands over Cas' collar bone either side, visibly making him shiver.

"Really? I didn't imagine I could make Dean Winchester smile" he felt a warmth seep over his cheeks, smirking in pride and recognition but exploding with happiness inside.

"Best God damn kiss I've ever had" he shuffled on Cas' lap so they were almost pelvis to pelvis and nuzzling their noses together, "I knew you'd be a natural" Dean's eyes travelled up from Castiels chest to the tip of his hair, biting his lip.

"You weren't too bad either" Cas pecked him on the lips before pushing him back onto the mattress, towering over him, "so what's the plan for today?"

Dean rolled over on his stomach and stretched out on the bed "I figure we could get food. Then explore the city a little. I don't know, what is there to do?"

"We could go to the theatre?" Cas stood up and walked around Dean before jumping off the bed and taking a sip of water. He then sat back on the desk facing Dean still sprawled out and limp "...Or cinema - there's the new Avengers film?"

Dean's head perked up "It's only just come out over here!? Well...sounds good anyway" he rolled off the bed so he'd have to stand up, ever so reluctantly though. Cas beamed, rubbing over his mouth with his spare hand as Dean approached him. "Sounds excellent in fact"

A/N its a work in progress as you can see, some of it will change. Ive already got the heartbreaking *ahem* I mean happy and rainbow ending planned.

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