Don't worry (Phan)

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A/N probably the only phan one-shot I'm doing in here but the idea came to me so yeah, sorry not sorry and also I'm definitely gonna use my Britishness to the max.

Dan lay on the sofa in their hotel, snugging into the duvet and his baggy jogging bottoms.

"How you feeling, staying inside all day, mate?" Chris called Dan on his phone, checking up on him.

"Naff. Literally, you should've seen all the people last night, completely hammered, you'd be right in your comfort zone" Dan replied yawning, sleepily putting his phone on speaker while lying flat back down again, rubbing his head.

"Where's Phil right now?"

"He said he's in the lift, will be here in a mo so I won't be alone for much longer, 'coz you worry about your favourite cousin like that" Dan teased.


"Oh, I'm chuffed, chav" he smirked to himself.

"Hahaha. Well, I'll talk later, it's been yonks" Chris' northen accent came through more.

"Yeah, alright. It's not exactly warm today is it?" Dan shivered, cuddling deeper into the covers.

"Here rain is like killing the pavements. Look, PJ is kissing at my neck so I'll call tomorrow" he sounded like he was being lightly attacked with lips, his voice wobbling.

"Right, bye then" Dan laughed just hearing, hanging upjust as Phil walked into their room.

"Dan? You alright?" Phil came and slumped infront of Dans covered legs.

"Not bad, thanks for getting the headphones" he smiled while taking in a sharp breath and holding it, sitting up and unpausing the TV then leaning on the arm of the chair.

"HMV was only down the road bear, it's not like it was back in London you know?" he leaned back over Dans huddled legs.

"Yeah, but still...thanks" Dan turned back to the show and got back to breathing properly.

They watched until the show ended then Phil shifted in his seat, glancing at Dan.

"Do you know where the controller is? I wanna turn the channel over" Phil whined.

"You'll have to find it" Dan grinned, pushing his back further into the couch until he couldn't anymore.

"Daaannnn come on" he folded his legs beneath him then crouched over Dans, moving towards his upper body.

"No, no, no" he smiled, the smile that everyone loved, when he was happiest, when he was with Phil.

"Bloody hell, am I going to have to fight you? I'm really not bothered at the moment"

"I definitely haven't seen it" Dan sarcastically said, smirking, inviting Phil to look around the pillows. It was a good job it wasn't hidden near his ass, oh wait...

"Fine, have it your way" Phil leapt nearer his friend, putting one hand either side of him and fumbling either side until he found it, grabbing at Dans hips.

"Phil...that's-that's uncomfortable" he groaned, seeing Phils black hair right in front of him, feeling his hands fold around his pelvis and body. He arched his back when Phil actaully found the object, a little whimper escaping his mouth at the same time.

"Got it!" Phil held it out in pride.

Dan snatched it from his grip and held it out behind him, making Phil lean over his entire body, then grabbing onto his arm pulling them both to the floor.

"I bet the people below us heard that, Daniel" Phil landed so he was completely squashing his friend. He shuffled so he was straddling his waist, Dans breath hitching. It was even more of a turn on not just being called Daniel but having Phil dominate him like in his fantasies.

"Phil, g-get off" he choked, laughing a little, bucking his hips up slightly as he did so.

"Not until I've got it back" he leaned down to Dans outstretched arms so their chests lightly rubbed together. Phil, at the time, had no idea what he was doing to Dan.

"Phiiiilll, seriously, get off n-now" Dan felt himself strain against his rather tight jeans, panting every time Phils body touched his.

"D-Dan, what's..." Phil felt it, sitting back up again and standing, looking down at Dan helplessly lying on the floor with a bulge from his groin "s-sorry I didn't know-"

Dan shot up when he realised Phil saw him, he ran one hand through his hair and used the other to stand and back up against the wall still wide-eyed.

"Phil, it's not you, well it was, but it was more me, if you know, but I didn't mean it to happen, but i-it did, and what sort of friends gets hard while you're on top?, and I thought that I-" Dan said it all at lightening speed.

"Dan just shut up" Phil interrupted in a soft but controlling voice "Take a deep breath and relax"

"God, you hate me, and I-I understand" Dan teared up, trembling a little, at least he wasn't hard anymore though.

"I could never hate you bear" he walked towards Dan slowly until they were a mere meter apart.

"P-Phil, just let me go" sighed Dan, trying to find the door handle and get away from Phils stare.

"I can't do that to the guy I love"


Phil stepped a little closer and held his hand to Dans cheek, massaging his bone and making sure he didn't let any tears fall. As he took the final step so their bodies were completely up agaisnt each other's and lightly rocking, he wound one hand around Dans waist, first looking for any signs of panic. He let both hands fall to dans hips and bring theirs both together. Phil made a shy smile as he looked a little down before letting go of Dans body and turning away, obviously dissapointed as Dan didn't do anything but stand still and stare into his gaze.

"Phil, wait" he realised Phil was waiting for him to make any move that told him they could be together. He grabbed around his shoulders, turning to face again before holding around his neck and pulling their lips together for the first time.

It was sweet, lasting just enough time for them to get a proper hold of each other and fit their lips to liking. Dan was the first to pull away, awkwardly looking down to his side and then having Phil grab both hands, tightly holding them.

"That was nice" Phil commented, grabbing Dans gaze to attention.

"Very nice"

Phil lightly closed his eyes and leant his head against Dans, feeling their breath on each other and teasing above the lip.

"I'm tired, Philly" Dan finally said, opening his eyes and tugging on Phil's hands to the bedroom.

"Nothing more, Dan, okay?" he walked into their room still holding hands.

They lay down next to eachother under the single covers, holding the other in warmth and need "I swear" Dan whispered.

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