Make You (Destiel)

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A/N Okay no spoilers plz but I'm beginning to read Twist and Shout...holy crap I'm gonna be an emotional wreck eheheheh so just if I don't post after today you know why

"Leave me alone, Dean" Cas grumbled, pushing away the hunter.
"No. Not until you smile" Dean put down his pie and walked back over to the angel.
"Dean, I am not going to ask you twice. I just need more time" he sighed.
"It's no use being sulky with me about some stupid demon. I had to kill her because if you didn't notice, she was a demon" Dean said in his sarcastic tone.
"Don't waste anymore opportunities for information though. I need to do this"
"Hmm...just don't be grumpy for much longer, I don't like you like this"
"W-What? I don't understand" Cas pulled his brows together in confusion to Deans actions.
Cas continued to stand there, unamused at Deans attempt of making him smile so he crossed his arms in annoyance.
"Come on Cas, give it up" Dean smirked before walking over to the angel.
Dean held out his hands and softly took both of Castiels, taking them down by their sides to which Cas held his breath almost. The hunter bowed his head down slightly before the angel had no other choice but to stare back into the amazing green eyes. They now had direct eye contact.
"Dean, what are you doing?" Cas grumbled, gulping away his nervousness and he still didn't know why Dean was acting like this.
Dean didn't reply but instead rested his forehead against the Angels then drew their noses together, teasingly close. He rubbed his nose against Castiels until a small smile built on the Angels face.
"I told you I could make you smile" Dean closed his eyes, relishing the moment as Cas fumbled his hands and fingers cutely around Deans.
He quickly leant into a kiss, pecking at Cas' lips before drawing away, Cas showing a hint of a smile now, eyes still lightly closed. Dean smirked as he was almost completely done with his workings. He pulled away, reluctant to letting go of the Angels hands but remained in person space.
"You can't leave me with just that" Cas whispered, smiling even more now he got what he'd always wanted.
"Will you be my boyfriend then? Is that enough?" Dean was nervous at suddenly springing this on Cas.
"Hmm" the angel soft hummed in agreement, nuzzling into Deans neck.
Dean put his hand on Cas' cheek, caressing the bone and area around. Grinning, he backs away slowly, not for one second breaking eye contact. He got to the door and winked at Cas before disappearing leaving the angel to huff a laugh almost and turned to his bed.
After a moment Cas got unexpectedly surprised as he felt two arms slowly wrap around his waist and pull him back against a warm body.
"Did you think I'd just leave you alone like that?" Dean whispered into Castiels ear.
Cas turned around and grabbed the hunters shoulders before smashing his lips into the hunters. He slowly moved his hands up to his neck continuing to move his lips perfectly with Deans. After a moment Dean and Cas drew away from each other leaving their lips plump and moist.
"I'll see you later angel eyes" Dean heavily sighed before leaving Cas to sort himself out.
"Love you" Cas whimpered after Dean, just not loud enough for him to hear.

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