Desireable (Bodyguard AU) pt.1

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They're not going to find the body. Tick...tock

Dean looked down at the third death threat that week, grimacing and then throwing it in the bin. Slumping on his desk chair, he rubbed his eyes and sighed, rethinking his career choices of being an actor. He was good, everyone knew that, woman loved him and he had amazing publicity, only wishing he was known more for his contributions to charity. That was always the medias problem with him.

A distant knocking at the door made him shoot his head up immediately.

"Relax, calm, it's just your brother!" Sam was grave and opened his arms in defence, slipping through the door then shutting it.

"Yeah, well excuse me for being jumpy but I'm getting death threats left right and centre here, so I think I have a right to be" Dean almost angrily replied, but was too tired for arguing with his agent. "What did you want?"

"Me and Bobby have decided it best for you to have a bodyguard. Now we've got him downstairs, introduce yourselves and he'll do his job, you carry on doing yours" Sam stood back a bit, knowing that this was the last thing Dean wanted or needed.

"You've done what? Sam, I don't need protecting, I just want this asshat off my tail. You're wasting your time with them, sorry" he swivelled his chair around and stood up to face the window which had the beginnings of rain apparent on it.

His brother sighed, walking toward the desk and leaning on it, staring at the back of his brothers head. "Dean, they're getting worse and more frequent. Everyone knows it, and sooner or later you're going to..." He took in a deep breath, not wanting to say the words he feared most to say. "..To be attacked, wether you like it or not, alright"


"No excuses. You are going to be protected 24/7. I'll bring him up now" Sam backed away and made his absence known. leaving Dean in silence with the whirr of the fan in the background.

"Sam- gah!" Dean realised he was alone, shaking his head and saying over and over in his head how much of a bad idea this was.

A couple of minutes later the door swung open and in stepped two pairs of footsteps. Dean stayed looking at the wall, waiting for them to get the idea he doesn't need a bodyguard.

"Ahem" Sam coughed, smirking a little bit. "Dean"

Dean rolled his eyes and turned around to see his brother and a smartly dressed man, blue eyes, dark and messy hair and didn't look too strong, but he did make Dean's heart skip a beat.

"Dean, this is Mr. Novak. Your bodyguard who is instructed to stay within 25 feet of you at all times, just so you know" Sam introduced, patting Mr. Novak's arm and walking back out.

"A-All times?" Dean half whimpered.

Sam nodded then turned his back, leaving both to stand in awkward silence. The bodyguard remained expressionless, but kept deep eye contact with Dean for those few moments, shuffling on his toes.

"S-So..." he began.

"Yeah, so. Erm, I'm not really down with the whole being near me all that time, I mean, no offence, but I can look after myself" Dean walked towards him, looking up and down his suit and definitely not lingering around his belt area.

Novak seemed to gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing a little bit as Dean walked closer but he remained a calm expression. "I do know that but also understand that the terror alert on your life has, indeed, risen and in legal terms I have to be this close to you until your agent... slash brother has release of my duty. I apologise, but your life is at risk. This is something you need to come to terms with" he finished, rolling his shoulders back a little bit.

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