FFMA pt.5 (Desiel AU)

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Castiel couldn't help but smile throughout the surprise journey, knowing that Dean was just as excited. Soon the car came to a slow stop and the voice of nature, water and the gentle purr of the engine was the only sounds.

Suddenly the engine stopped and Cas couldn't wait to let Dean take his blindfold off.

"Easy there tiger. Hold on, I'll lead you out and THEN show you, okay?" Dean got out and took Castiels hand, shutting his door and walking slowly forward until they reached a hard wood flooring.

"Please Dean can I see now!" Cas grabbed around for his boyfriends body but couldn't find it "Dean this isn't funny! I'll take it off" he threatened.

"Here we go then" Dean said from right in front of Castiels face. Of course Cas didn't know that Dean was going to kiss him at that moment so he yelped before passionately replying. Slowly, Dean moved his hands to the back of Castiels head and undid the blindfold.

"Open your eyes babe" Dean drew away and stood back as Cas opened one eye cautiously then both in awe.

The beautiful, calm blue and dark green lake rested before him, some trees on an island in the distance and a gentle breeze blew over him as he stood on the mini-pier. It was just the two of them.

"It's-it's beautiful, when did you find this place? How?" Cas looked to his side, gleaming, holding Deans hand tight.

"When my brother and dad had fights Id drive for a while and I found here. It became a regular thing since forever. I must be one of the only people who know about it. I wanted to share it with you" Dean nuzzled his head into Cas' neck, leaving light kisses.

They stood still for a moment in the bliss of the second before Dean turned to face Cas, taking his shirt off.

"Woah, Dean woah. Just wait"

"It's not like that, just get the shorts from the impala on and follow me" he laughed and pecked Castiels lips. Dean got himself and Cas topless, kissing his soft skin every time he could. They got into the shorts and Dean held Cas' hand tight as they approached the waters edge.

"We're not going in, are we?" Cas nervously asked.

"You can swim?"

"Yeah of course"

"Good" Dean pushed Cas into the lake, diving in after him. Cas merged a second later and Dean rose up next to him.

"I hate you! It's freezing in here!" Cas gasped as he tread water.

"You'll get used to it" Dean smiled, leaping through the water into Cas, submerging them both momentarily.

"Fuck you Dean" Cas glared at Dean, then splashing water at him.

"Love you too" Dean sprayed water back.

"Love you more!" Cas shouted as loud as he could.

They swam and messed about around the shore, island and lake for the best part of 4 hours.

"Deeaaann" Cas groaned, out of breathy and slightly flushed.

"Tired are we?" Dean held Cas around his waist, forgetting that he can't stay above water without using his arms.

"Get off Dean" Cas shrugged Dean away.

"Fine alright. Shall we go get dinner now then?"

"I'd appreciate that, yes" Cas yawned and swam back to the impala, lifting himself wearily out of the water.

"I've got a great view of your ass Cas"

"Thanks, it's great to know you stare at it" he sarcastically said back, walking back to the impala and sitting on the bonnet. Dean soon joined him and both say dripping wet, catching their breath.

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