Pleasure (D)

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"See you in a bit Cas" Sam and Dean casually waved off to Cas and drove off from the motel.

They said they'd be back in an hour, but Cas knew that Dean would be back tomorrow morning, after getting off with some woman he met.

Castiel lay back on Deans bed, taking in the smell and essence of the hunter, making him feel peaceful and relaxed. The familiar whiskey and natural aroma was a comfort to the him, he snuggled in deeper with his head and back on the pillows.

Soon it became warmer in the room and Cas had to take his trench coat and eventually shirt off, throwing it on his own bed.

He imagined Dean being the one taking his clothes off, leaving wet kisses and nibbles down his chest, slowly and teasingly almost. It'd been months since he'd got this hot and bothered as this, since Dean looked at him like that.

They warned you Castiel, don't get too close to humans, you know the price. Feelings aren't worth it. Especially, the eldest Winchester brother. Straight, friend only Winchester brother.

But Cas didn't care. Not now anyway. He had friends that didn't let him down. Mostly.

Cas looked down at the bulge in his pants, knowing full well this time it wouldn't just go away, not with the memories and pure arousal running through him at the moment.

He groaned, throwing his head back and lightly thrusting his hips getting a little friction, grabbing into the side of the bed and sheets. Soon it was too much, brushing his arm down his side making him shiver and then lightly palming at his half-hard dick.

"D-Dean" he softly murmured, going at himself a little harder.

Suddenly, as if on que, the door to the room shook open, Dean quickly stepping through. Cas immediately sat up, composing himself only to flail in panic too much and fall off Deans bed with a thud.

"Cas? hey what the hell you doing man?" Dean jogged over to Cas on the floor on his dress shirt, in his normal pants. He clung to the side of the bed as he sat straight again, panting heavily.

"Why were you on my bed...taking clothes off?"

"Urm..." With no explanation or excuse be blushed in the lamp light, sweating nervously. Luckily the familiar sound of the Impalas horn came from outside.

"I-I need to get going, Sammy is in the car and I just literally came for my wallet"

"Y-Yes. That would be good" Cas nodded. Dean lunged a hand to Cas' arm and pulled up the flustered angel standing their normal distance (if Cas talked their lips would literally brush).

"Are you sure you're okay?" Dean clearly didn't see Castiels boner and slightly undone pants.

"Never b-better" he stood stiff to the spot as Dean backed away then got what he needed and left.

"Shit" Cas declared to himself.

He still wanted to do this. From the first time he knew what touching yourself actually was, he wanted to try it. Feel like it was Dean and him in that bed.

Cas fell against the wall, facing it and holding his fists tight, beginning to lightly grind at the wall. He didn't know what he was doing but it felt good, little moans escaped his mouth as he went at it harder until he felt like he was going to burst.

Immediately he collapsed onto Deans bed again. Ripping his shirt off and pulling his briefs then flicking them to the floor. Cas looked down at his hardened member, grabbing it at the base then massaging around it. The other hand he used to to run through his hair and scrape at this torso.

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