I'll always be around

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A/N This is the final one-shot of this book guys...and it's probably shit

So it was going to take a while to get used to. They held hands for the first time, tight enough to get that let 'never letting you go' feeling. Because Dean didn't want to let Cas go.

It was a well known fact that their lives are short, as hunters, and he may as well give this life the best before the inevitable. So he (with much courage from his brother) asked Cas out and that was step 1 complete.

They'd almost talk about everything now whenever they could. Being much closer meant Dean could feel like opening up more. Same went for Cas as he finally told Dean about how much he'd want a child. If it was someone else, Dean would've shoved them away immediately, but this was Cas and he wasn't being too frontal about it. And truth be told Dean wouldn't mind if they started a family. But they'd have to go through a million dimensions to make the right choice - less hunting, more Cas. More safety.

Then he explained some moments in his childhood to the angel, every day he'd come up with a new memory and explain it like it was as fresh as yesterday.

And Cas would listen, laugh and understand. Once he even cried a little. Dean told him that every time when he was young and hunting with his dad and they'd found a spirit, he'd hum the ghostbusters theme. Then he'd sit back and whisper "hey. Hey dad, are you afraid of ghosts?" And no matter how terrible he was feeling, Johns smile would crack as he looked in the mirror as a broken man, then give in and mutter, "I ain't afraid of no ghosts". Once, Dean explained, they laughed so hard at the ongoing joke they nearly woke Sam up.

They soothed into being closer which, even though it looked easy from the outside, was more difficult deep in their minds. Because after the person you've fallen so deeply in love with is finally the one standing by your side, then it kinda freaks you out.

Neither wanted this to be this slow. But they were too afraid of what the other one would say if it was faster. It was excruciating after one week, unbearable after two when they were only just getting comfortable with holding hands and loitering in personal space (which Dean not only accepted but encouraged).

So by the third week of not even flirting, it was getting ridiculous with that tension setting. Dean was never one for stupid chick-flick moments, but he couldn't help it this time. One morning he just walked into Cas' room while he was having a shower, got the roses Cas said he liked the other night and left them on the bedside table with a note saying to meet him outside in the woods.

Cas was confused, dwelling on wether to actually go because whatever it was - it was a step up from what they were. But of course he followed the instructions, wearing just black trousers and his white shirt with a few buttons undone like Dean liked.

He was greeted by Dean with a single rose between his teeth, leaning against a tree and his arms folded. Okay so Dean knew how to be a hopeless romantic but at least it got Cas' attention.

Without a single word Dean approached Cas and they met in the middle, dropping the rose before cupping Cas by his jaw and rubbing the stubble. Of course Cas was shocked by the sudden touch but he rolled his head into it and placed one hand over the back of it. And then they kissed properly for the first time.

That's when things started to look up. That's the moment when they knew something more could be done quicker in their relationship.

They were real, Cas was there right in front of Dean, with a scruffy jaw, a morning breath, a warm body. With a mouth that tastes like spaghetti or chocolate cake, not flowers and rainbows. And when they're together, it never goes exactly the way it should. It's never perfect. It's bumpy, it's trials and errors, pinched limbs, stuck clothes, muffled laughter and weird sounds. It's human.

The night after they spent at least half an hour slowly making out under the stars on the hood of the impala. The rest of the week they slept in the same bed, waking up every morning to see the bright smile of the other person and the eyes they fell into. Cas' messy hair, Dean's grogginess. It all became a heaven when they were together.

The week after they fell asleep on top of each other on the couch while going through the Star Wars films again and then made each other the best breakfast. Then Dean made the best romantic dinner.

After a month of growing on this, Cas was the one to ask. Dean wasn't expecting this from the innocent being, but it was more than thrilling when it did. They were getting ready for bed after an exhilarating hunt and Cas was just lying on the mattress in boxers while Dean put on late night moisturiser, slapping his cheeks and climbing in next to Cas.

"You all right?"

Cas slowly looked around to Dean, "...can we have sex?"

Have you even known Dean to turn down that offer? But it wasn't about sex for the first time with Cas. No, this was going to be a night of actually making love.

And that's what they did, slow, intimate and it made them feel too in love to function after. Cas trusted Dean with every inch of his body during and felt it was the best decision he'd ever made. Dean chuckled after he rolled off of Cas and ran his hand through his hair.

It was just getting more and more normal. Well...not normal, what is normal about an angel and a hunter even being in contact, let alone having rough sex in the back of a '67 Chevrolet Impala. Or hiding in a broom cupboard on a case and making out while Sam was worriedly running about the building.

It was getting ridiculous again. But it wasn't like they had a care in the world left for what other people thought. But nothing broke their shining smiles.

One day, however, it all stopped. Dean and Cas were no longer in love. They went their separate ways. They didn't have their children who they could share dreams and stories of the apocalypse with, they never got to go to that wedding or plan a future. They stopped the meals out, this kisses, the sex and then entirely broke apart. They never even got round to telling Sam. And the most heartbreaking for the couple was they never whispered the sweet 'I love you'.

The stars still shone, the sun still rose, oxygen was still about in the atmosphere, people still lived and loved. But not Cas and Dean.

That story came to an abrupt ending at the fault of a pen on paper or the typing of a keyboard at the hands of a man. Because he wasn't strong enough to write those few sacred words.

Then through time it was forgotten that an angel fell in love with humanity in the greatest love story ever told.

But those fangirls never truly forgot...


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