Business pt7

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A/N I promise it's the ending of this story... Urm...trigger warning on this one ... Also, any guesses as to what they did the previous night? 😜

They slept next to each other peacefully, hugging the pillows and panting throughout the night. The morning came too soon for the exhausted couple. Dean was barely awake when he felt some one suffle next to him.

"D-Dean" a scared, familair voice came from beside him.

"Hmm..." he looked up, blinking the morning away then focusing on a person standing at the foot of their bed.

"Wakey wakey Dean" the man said in a light, British accent; his short blonde hair draping over his face or curled slightly up.

"Cas, who is this?" Dean whispered to Cas and sat up straight next to Cas.

"Dean, I'm sorry, they-they found us" Cas hushed back.


"That's right, shit indeed Dean, especially for you. Now here are your options" he held loaded up the gun "You give us Cassie here back, dissapear from Zach and that's the end of that...or you watch Cas and little bro Sammy die before being chucked in the ocean in a cardboard box, slowly and painfully dying. Your choice"

"What are you going to do to him?"

"He knows"

"Yeah, but I don't. So. Explain. It"

"Castiel will be severly...punished, the people at base will have their fun and then back to normal, except we will need your trust again...which may take another 5-10 years, depending on if you're a good or bad boy" the man walked around the bed touched over Castiels thigh with one hand still on the gun.

"Lay off him!" Dean slapped him away.

"You like the feisty ones, don't you Cassie? Too bad, I'll just have to shoot you Dean, I've run out of options and this really isn't worth my time. Castiel, get up and into the car" he ordered.

"Dean!" Cas shouted as the guy pulled the trigger on Dean. His world froze as he saw Deans body fall back, chest blood soaked, dripping down to the bed. Cas went to touch him but his superior brought his gun to him now.

"Don't move!"

"What have you done!?" No tears fell, no matter how much it broke his heart.

"Cleansed you Cas, you needed to see this to see you were in the wrong. You belong with us, in the base"

Cas stared only at Deans body beside him, a single tear falling, before slowly turning back to face the man with a deadpan face and anger surging through is eyes "Kill me then"

"What? No, you're coming back now. You've got nothing left apart from us"

"Yes I do. I can still be with him. Shoot me or I'll keep trying until I succeed" he tilted his head as if to say you have got no other choice. You loose, I win.

"Cassie, just come back and it could be better. Back how it was"

"No. No, this is where I get to have a choice for once in my stupid, fucked-up life. Hand me the gun and I'll do it myself" he held out a shaking hand.


"Balth. Just ... Hand it over"

After staring at each other for a moment in the heated moment, he put the gun on the floor, walking out the door and sprinting out leaving Cas in the room by himself.

He immediately sighed in relief, took hold of Deans shoulders, shaking them and then lying down on him, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest.

"D-Dean. P-please just wake up...I didn't mean to-to do this. It's-it's all my fault. I'm so sorry, forgive me" he let the tears fall before looking down at the gun on the floor, sniffling but breathing in bravely, walking over.
"Cas! Cas what's going on!?" Dean shouted in the forest, getting up from the leafy floor. He saw a house and road in the distance and ran for it.

Suddenly a figure in all white suit approached him from behind a tree, black hair ragged about and those blue eyes and chapped lips leaping to his gaze making him pause a few feet in front of the man.

"Hello Dean" he smiled.

Together in peace at last.

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