Rain Drops (Destiel)

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A/N I'm exploring AU possibilities as I really want to do more-especially after FFMA but for now hahahaha...

"I don't know man, we shouldn't just let him wander about by himself. He's a human, Sam, and a new one at that. I just don't think we should've let him go out by himself yet" Dean paced up and down the motel floor, looking out the window every now and then.

"You shouldn't have had a go at him then. Like you said, he's a new human and he needs to get used to these emotions and you know...stuff. He's probably never even considered touching himself"

"I overreacted Okay?! I said I'm sorry to him. It's something we all do and we respect that. To be fair it's probably the first time he's even...well you know. But I just think he could've at least locked the door, but hey-we've all made mistakes"

"You should go after him Dean" Sam sat on the bed, ruffling his hair.

"Why me?"

"Your 'profound bond' maybe?" Sam let out a little laugh only to be interrupted by a sudden dash of lightning and a heavy downpour.

"Shit. I need to find him now. If I'm not back in 1 hour, come look for us" Dean grabbed his coat and ran out into the rain then into the Impala. He'd walked 5 meters and was already soaked.

"Damnit Cas, you idiot" he muttered to himself as he furiously drove around the streets.

He soon came across a lonely figure sitting on a random bench under a single street light. Right there, in the thunderstorm. Now even moving.

Dean pulled over and ran out to the angel, pulling out an umbrella.

"Cas! What the hell are you doing, man!?" he shouted above the sound of thunder and rain splashing the road. He brung Cas to stand up so they were both under the umbrella.

"I'm sorry. About earlier" Cas cried back, voice competing with the water.

"Don't be. I'm sorry I should be he one apologising. Look, me and Sam got really worried about you. Just come back with me, it's okay"

"I-I don't want to if that's okay" he was blushing harshly, reluctant to even look at Dean.

"No. No it's not okay you idiot. You're gonna get ill and I'll never forgive myself" their voices were heavily competing now, hoarser and slightly straining.

Cas looked down at his feet, shuffling around and then catching Deans gaze which brought his entire head up.

"If this is anything to do with what you did, then don't be embarrassed. Me and Sam have done it once or twice and it's nothing to be ashamed of. And it's quite hot"

"It was foolish of me. I knew you'd be back and- you thought it was hot?" Cas' mind caught up with what Dean had said.

"Yeah, a bit" he smirked, flickering his eyes to Casiels lips.

There was an awkward moment of silence, just them two in the middle of the rain under a single lamp, almost empty street.

"Cas, please come back" Dean pulled on the ex-Angels coat.

"Not until you expand on your statement" he folded his arms and gave a confused look.

"It just-just slipped out-I don't know-"

"Just kiss me already assbutt!" Cas laughed, then got cut off by Deans lips.

The kiss was messy as their noses collided occasionally and once or twice-their teeth but they were smiling more than anything.

Once Cas drew away, his hair flopped over his face and messily poking in all directions from the rain whereas Deans ended up being a flat mess.

"Rain makes you look hotter" Dean reached out and stroked Castiels cheek, using the other hand to wrap around Cas' waist and pull him closer.

"Will you come back with me now?"

"It's too embarrassing. Sam saw me too"

"He doesn't care. You're like a brother to him, okay? Just, hold my hand and kiss me"

"Are you sure?"

"Never been more positive in my life"
*violent knocking on door*
"Sam! Sammy it's us! Jeez-let us in!"
Dean shouted.

Sam rushed to the door and in stumbled Cas and Dean, clutching each other and their soaking clothing.

"You okay now?" Sam watched as Cas took off his trechcoat and Dean wrapped a towel around both of them.

"We're good" Cas replied, sitting on his bed next to Dean and both staring deeply into each others eyes.

"Ookaay" Sam gave a confused look at them both.

Dean used a spare towel to wipe the water off Castiels face, carefully stroking around his nose and smiling as he nudged his chin cheekily away.

After a moment of gazing into Deans soul, Cas leant into the mans face, connecting their lips and lightly closing his eyes getting a bliss response. They were locked into this moment for a while before Sam coughed.

"Sorry not sorry Sam" Dean laughed, using the towel to ruffled Castiels hair.

"How long-" Sam began, a smile spreading across his face.

"30 minutes" they both replied.

"I'm going out an I'm not coming back for a day or so...I'm getting drunk and keeping happy"


"Finally my brother does something right in romance"

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